Source code for forte.models.ner.conditional_random_field

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Conditional random field.
Adapted from AllenNLP but removed the feature of external restriction
__all__ = ["ConditionalRandomField"]
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Union
import logging
from forte.utils import create_import_error_msg

    import torch
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
        create_import_error_msg("torch", "models", "conditional random fields")
    ) from e

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def allowed_transitions(
    constraint_type: str, labels: Dict[int, str]
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    Given labels and a constraint type, returns the allowed transitions. It will
    additionally include transitions for the start and end states, which are
    used by the conditional random field.

    constraint_type : ``str``, required
        Indicates which constraint to apply. Current choices are
        "BIO", "IOB1", "BIOUL", and "BMES".
    labels : ``Dict[int, str]``, required
        A mapping {label_id -> label}. Most commonly this would be the value
        from Vocabulary.get_index_to_token_vocabulary()

    ``List[Tuple[int, int]]``
        The allowed transitions (from_label_id, to_label_id).
    num_labels = len(labels)
    start_tag = num_labels
    end_tag = num_labels + 1
    labels_with_boundaries = list(labels.items()) + [
        (start_tag, "START"),
        (end_tag, "END"),

    allowed = []
    for from_label_index, from_label in labels_with_boundaries:
        if from_label in ("START", "END"):
            from_tag = from_label
            from_entity = ""
            from_tag = from_label[0]
            from_entity = from_label[1:]
        for to_label_index, to_label in labels_with_boundaries:
            if to_label in ("START", "END"):
                to_tag = to_label
                to_entity = ""
                to_tag = to_label[0]
                to_entity = to_label[1:]
            if is_transition_allowed(
                constraint_type, from_tag, from_entity, to_tag, to_entity
                allowed.append((from_label_index, to_label_index))
    return allowed

def is_transition_allowed(
    constraint_type: str,
    from_tag: str,
    from_entity: str,
    to_tag: str,
    to_entity: str,
    Given a constraint type and strings ``from_tag`` and ``to_tag`` that
    represent the origin and destination of the transition, return whether
    the transition is allowed under the given constraint type.

    constraint_type : ``str``, required
        Indicates which constraint to apply. Current choices are
        "BIO", "IOB1", "BIOUL", and "BMES".
    from_tag : ``str``, required
        The tag that the transition originates from. For example, if the
        label is ``I-PER``, the ``from_tag`` is ``I``.
    from_entity: ``str``, required
        The entity corresponding to the ``from_tag``. For example, if the
        label is ``I-PER``, the ``from_entity`` is ``PER``.
    to_tag : ``str``, required
        The tag that the transition leads to. For example, if the
        label is ``I-PER``, the ``to_tag`` is ``I``.
    to_entity: ``str``, required
        The entity corresponding to the ``to_tag``. For example, if the
        label is ``I-PER``, the ``to_entity`` is ``PER``.

        Whether the transition is allowed under the given ``constraint_type``.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
    if to_tag == "START" or from_tag == "END":
        # Cannot transition into START or from END
        return False

    if constraint_type == "BIOUL":
        if from_tag == "START":
            return to_tag in ("O", "B", "U")
        if to_tag == "END":
            return from_tag in ("O", "L", "U")
        return any(
                # O can transition to O, B-* or U-*
                # L-x can transition to O, B-*, or U-*
                # U-x can transition to O, B-*, or U-*
                from_tag in ("O", "L", "U") and to_tag in ("O", "B", "U"),
                # B-x can only transition to I-x or L-x
                # I-x can only transition to I-x or L-x
                from_tag in ("B", "I")
                and to_tag in ("I", "L")
                and from_entity == to_entity,
    elif constraint_type == "BIO":
        if from_tag == "START":
            return to_tag in ("O", "B")
        if to_tag == "END":
            return from_tag in ("O", "B", "I")
        return any(
                # Can always transition to O or B-x
                to_tag in ("O", "B"),
                # Can only transition to I-x from B-x or I-x
                to_tag == "I"
                and from_tag in ("B", "I")
                and from_entity == to_entity,
    elif constraint_type == "IOB1":
        if from_tag == "START":
            return to_tag in ("O", "I")
        if to_tag == "END":
            return from_tag in ("O", "B", "I")
        return any(
                # Can always transition to O or I-x
                to_tag in ("O", "I"),
                # Can only transition to B-x from B-x or I-x, where
                # x is the same tag.
                to_tag == "B"
                and from_tag in ("B", "I")
                and from_entity == to_entity,
    elif constraint_type == "BMES":
        if from_tag == "START":
            return to_tag in ("B", "S")
        if to_tag == "END":
            return from_tag in ("E", "S")
        return any(
                # Can only transition to B or S from E or S.
                to_tag in ("B", "S") and from_tag in ("E", "S"),
                # Can only transition to M-x from B-x, where
                # x is the same tag.
                to_tag == "M"
                and from_tag in ("B", "M")
                and from_entity == to_entity,
                # Can only transition to E-x from B-x or M-x, where
                # x is the same tag.
                to_tag == "E"
                and from_tag in ("B", "M")
                and from_entity == to_entity,
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown constraint type: {constraint_type}")

[docs]class ConditionalRandomField(torch.nn.Module): """ This module uses the "forward-backward" algorithm to compute the log-likelihood of its inputs assuming a conditional random field model. See, e.g. Args: num_tags: The number of tags. constraints: An optional list of allowed transitions (from_tag_id, to_tag_id). These are applied to ``viterbi_tags()`` but do not affect ``forward()``. These should be derived from `allowed_transitions` so that the start and end transitions are handled correctly for your tag type. include_start_end_transitions: Whether to include the start and end transition parameters. """ def __init__( self, num_tags: int, constraints: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None, include_start_end_transitions: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.num_tags = num_tags # transitions[i, j] is the logit for transitioning from state i # to state j. self.transitions = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_tags, num_tags)) # _constraint_mask indicates valid transitions (based on supplied # constraints). # Include special start of sequence (num_tags + 1) and end of sequence # tags (num_tags + 2) if constraints is None: # All transitions are valid. constraint_mask = torch.Tensor(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2).fill_( 1.0 ) else: constraint_mask = torch.Tensor(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2).fill_( 0.0 ) for i, j in constraints: constraint_mask[i, j] = 1.0 self._constraint_mask = torch.nn.Parameter( constraint_mask, requires_grad=False ) # Also need logits for transitioning from "start" state and to "end" # state. self.include_start_end_transitions = include_start_end_transitions if include_start_end_transitions: self.start_transitions = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_tags)) self.end_transitions = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_tags)) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(self.transitions) if self.include_start_end_transitions: torch.nn.init.normal_(self.start_transitions) torch.nn.init.normal_(self.end_transitions) def _input_likelihood( self, logits: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the (batch_size,) denominator term for the log-likelihood, which is the um of the likelihoods across all possible state sequences. """ batch_size, sequence_length, num_tags = logits.size() # Transpose batch size and sequence dimensions mask = mask.float().transpose(0, 1).contiguous() logits = logits.transpose(0, 1).contiguous() # Initial alpha is the (batch_size, num_tags) tensor of likelihoods # combining the transitions to the initial states and the logits for # the first timestep. if self.include_start_end_transitions: alpha = self.start_transitions.view(1, num_tags) + logits[0] else: alpha = logits[0] # For each i we compute logits for the transitions from timestep i-1 # to timestep i. # We do so in a (batch_size, num_tags, num_tags) tensor where the axes # are (instance, current_tag, next_tag) for i in range(1, sequence_length): # The emit scores are for time i ("next_tag") so we broadcast along # the current_tag axis. emit_scores = logits[i].view(batch_size, 1, num_tags) # Transition scores are (current_tag, next_tag) so we broadcast # along the instance axis. transition_scores = self.transitions.view(1, num_tags, num_tags) # Alpha is for the current_tag, so we broadcast along the next # tag axis. broadcast_alpha = alpha.view(batch_size, num_tags, 1) # Add all the scores together and logexp over the current_tag axis inner = broadcast_alpha + emit_scores + transition_scores # In valid positions (mask == 1) we want to take the logsumexp over # the current_tag dimension # of ``inner``. Otherwise (mask == 0) we want to retain the # previous alpha. alpha = torch.logsumexp(inner, 1) * mask[i].view( batch_size, 1 ) + alpha * (1 - mask[i]).view(batch_size, 1) # Every sequence needs to end with a transition to the stop_tag. if self.include_start_end_transitions: stops = alpha + self.end_transitions.view(1, num_tags) else: stops = alpha # Finally we log_sum_exp along the num_tags dim, result is (batch_size,) return torch.logsumexp(stops, -1) def _joint_likelihood( self, logits: torch.Tensor, tags: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.LongTensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the numerator term for the log-likelihood, which is just score(inputs, tags) """ batch_size, sequence_length, _ = # Transpose batch size and sequence dimensions: logits = logits.transpose(0, 1).contiguous() mask = mask.float().transpose(0, 1).contiguous() tags = tags.transpose(0, 1).contiguous() # Start with the transition scores from start_tag to the first tag in # each input score: Union[float, torch.Tensor] if self.include_start_end_transitions: score = self.start_transitions.index_select(0, tags[0]) else: score = 0.0 # Add up the scores for the observed transitions and all the inputs # but the last for i in range(sequence_length - 1): # Each is shape (batch_size,) current_tag, next_tag = tags[i], tags[i + 1] # The scores for transitioning from current_tag to next_tag transition_score = self.transitions[ current_tag.view(-1), next_tag.view(-1) ] # The score for using current_tag emit_score = ( logits[i].gather(1, current_tag.view(batch_size, 1)).squeeze(1) ) # Include transition score if next element is unmasked, # input_score if this element is unmasked. score = ( score + transition_score * mask[i + 1] + emit_score * mask[i] ) # Transition from last state to "stop" state. To start with, we need # to find the last tag # for each instance. last_tag_index = mask.sum(0).long() - 1 last_tags = tags.gather(0, last_tag_index.view(1, batch_size)).squeeze( 0 ) # Compute score of transitioning to `stop_tag` from each "last tag". last_transition_score: Union[float, torch.Tensor] if self.include_start_end_transitions: last_transition_score = self.end_transitions.index_select( 0, last_tags ) else: last_transition_score = 0.0 # Add the last input if it's not masked. last_inputs = logits[-1] # (batch_size, num_tags) last_input_score = last_inputs.gather( 1, last_tags.view(-1, 1) ) # (batch_size, 1) last_input_score = last_input_score.squeeze() # (batch_size,) score = score + last_transition_score + last_input_score * mask[-1] return score
[docs] def forward( self, inputs: torch.Tensor, tags: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.ByteTensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the log likelihood. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if mask is None: mask = torch.ones(*tags.size(), dtype=torch.long) log_denominator = self._input_likelihood(inputs, mask) log_numerator = self._joint_likelihood(inputs, tags, mask) return torch.sum(log_numerator - log_denominator)
[docs] def viterbi_tags( self, logits: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor ) -> List[Tuple[List[int], float]]: """ Uses viterbi algorithm to find most likely tags for the given inputs. If constraints are applied, disallows all other transitions. """ _, max_seq_length, num_tags = logits.size() # Get the tensors out of the variables logits, mask =, # Augment transitions matrix with start and end transitions start_tag = num_tags end_tag = num_tags + 1 transitions = torch.Tensor(num_tags + 2, num_tags + 2).fill_(-10000.0) # Apply transition constraints constrained_transitions = self.transitions * self._constraint_mask[ :num_tags, :num_tags ] + -10000.0 * (1 - self._constraint_mask[:num_tags, :num_tags]) transitions[:num_tags, :num_tags] = if self.include_start_end_transitions: transitions[ start_tag, :num_tags ] = self.start_transitions.detach() * self._constraint_mask[ start_tag, :num_tags ].data + -10000.0 * ( 1 - self._constraint_mask[start_tag, :num_tags].detach() ) transitions[ :num_tags, end_tag ] = self.end_transitions.detach() * self._constraint_mask[ :num_tags, end_tag ].data + -10000.0 * ( 1 - self._constraint_mask[:num_tags, end_tag].detach() ) else: transitions[start_tag, :num_tags] = -10000.0 * ( 1 - self._constraint_mask[start_tag, :num_tags].detach() ) transitions[:num_tags, end_tag] = -10000.0 * ( 1 - self._constraint_mask[:num_tags, end_tag].detach() ) best_paths = [] # Pad the max sequence length by 2 to account for start_tag + end_tag. tag_sequence = torch.Tensor(max_seq_length + 2, num_tags + 2) for prediction, prediction_mask in zip(logits, mask): sequence_length = torch.sum(prediction_mask) # Start with everything totally unlikely tag_sequence.fill_(-10000.0) # At timestep 0 we must have the START_TAG tag_sequence[0, start_tag] = 0.0 # At steps 1, ..., sequence_length we just use the # incoming prediction tag_sequence[1 : (sequence_length + 1), :num_tags] = prediction[ :sequence_length ] # And at the last timestep we must have the END_TAG tag_sequence[sequence_length + 1, end_tag] = 0.0 # We pass the tags and the transitions to ``viterbi_decode``. viterbi_path, viterbi_score = viterbi_decode( tag_sequence[: (sequence_length + 2)], transitions ) # Get rid of START and END sentinels and append. viterbi_path = viterbi_path[1:-1] best_paths.append((viterbi_path, viterbi_score.item())) return best_paths
def viterbi_decode( tag_sequence: torch.Tensor, transition_matrix: torch.Tensor, tag_observations: Optional[List[int]] = None, ): """ Perform Viterbi decoding in log space over a sequence given a transition matrix specifying pairwise (transition) potentials between tags and a matrix of shape (sequence_length, num_tags) specifying unary potentials for possible tags per timestep. Parameters ---------- tag_sequence : torch.Tensor, required. A tensor of shape (sequence_length, num_tags) representing scores for a set of tags over a given sequence. transition_matrix : torch.Tensor, required. A tensor of shape (num_tags, num_tags) representing the binary potentials for transitioning between a given pair of tags. tag_observations : Optional[List[int]], optional, (default = None) A list of length ``sequence_length`` containing the class ids of observed elements in the sequence, with unobserved elements being set to -1. Note that it is possible to provide evidence which results in degenerate labelings if the sequences of tags you provide as evidence cannot transition between each other, or those transitions are extremely unlikely. In this situation we log a warning, but the responsibility for providing self-consistent evidence ultimately lies with the user. Returns ------- viterbi_path : List[int] The tag indices of the maximum likelihood tag sequence. viterbi_score : torch.Tensor The score of the viterbi path. """ sequence_length, num_tags = list(tag_sequence.size()) if tag_observations: if len(tag_observations) != sequence_length: raise ValueError( "Observations were provided, but they were not the same length " "as the sequence. " "Found sequence of length: {} and evidence: {}".format( sequence_length, tag_observations ) ) else: tag_observations = [-1 for _ in range(sequence_length)] path_scores = [] path_indices = [] if tag_observations[0] != -1: one_hot = torch.zeros(num_tags) one_hot[tag_observations[0]] = 100000.0 path_scores.append(one_hot) else: path_scores.append(tag_sequence[0, :]) # Evaluate the scores for all possible paths. for timestep in range(1, sequence_length): # Add pairwise potentials to current scores. summed_potentials = ( path_scores[timestep - 1].unsqueeze(-1) + transition_matrix ) scores, paths = torch.max(summed_potentials, 0) # If we have an observation for this timestep, use it # instead of the distribution over tags. observation = tag_observations[timestep] # Warn the user if they have passed # invalid/extremely unlikely evidence. if tag_observations[timestep - 1] != -1: if ( transition_matrix[tag_observations[timestep - 1], observation] < -10000 ): logger.warning( "The pairwise potential between tags you have passed as " "observations is extremely unlikely. Double check your" "evidence or transition potentials!" ) if observation != -1: one_hot = torch.zeros(num_tags) one_hot[observation] = 100000.0 path_scores.append(one_hot) else: path_scores.append(tag_sequence[timestep, :] + scores.squeeze()) path_indices.append(paths.squeeze()) # Construct the most likely sequence backwards. viterbi_score, best_path = torch.max(path_scores[-1], 0) viterbi_path = [int(best_path.numpy())] for backward_timestep in reversed(path_indices): viterbi_path.append(int(backward_timestep[viterbi_path[-1]])) # Reverse the backward path. viterbi_path.reverse() return viterbi_path, viterbi_score