
A pipeline component that reads data from a data source into a data iterator.


Based on the usage listed above, we need to customize functions below. generic class method

  • set_up(): check correctness of configuration and initialize reader variables.

  • initialize(): Pipeline will call it at the start of processing. The reader will be initialized with configs, and register global resources into resource. The implementation should set up the states of the component.

    • default_configs is a class method that returns default configuration in a dictionary format. Parent reader class configuration will be merged or overwritten by child class. For example, in the PlainTextReader, the inheritance chain is BaseReader -> PackReader -> PlainTextReader. contains "zip_pack" and "serialize_method". contains "file_ext". Therefore, the merged configuration contains zip_pack, "serialize_method" and "file_ext" fields. Suppose we include "serialize_method" in PlainTextReader, we can overwrite the configuration in BaseReader.

      • default_configs usage example

        • To use an existing reader, User should check configurations from method default_configs() of the particular reader used to find out what configurations can be customized. For example, suppose after checking reader API we decide to use BaseReader. Then we need to check the source of and found that "zippack" is a boolean configuration and we can set it to True in our customized configuration when we don’t want the default configuration. The default configuration will be overwritten when we initialize the reader with our customized configuration.

        • To implement a new reader, User should check the appropriate reader to inherit from. One consideration is whether User wants to read a data pack or a data pack batch for each reading iteration. If it’s the DataPack, then User should inherit from PackReader. If it’s MultiPack, then User should inherit from MultiPackReader For example, in the PlainTextReader, it inherits from PackReader because it reads plain text into DataPack. Then User can consider adding new configuration field in default_configs() based on the needs or overwrite the configuration field from its parent class. It’s just a simple consideration to explain the process of choosing the right reader, there are many other readers with more features that User can inherit from. User can refer to Readers API for more information.

      • default_configs code example

      def default_configs(cls):
          return {"file_ext": ".txt"}
    • resource is for advanced developer. It’s an shared object that stores data accessible by all PipelineComponent in the pipeline.

  • _cache_key_function.
    • it returns cache key of a unit of the data iterator returned by _collect such as a row id for a row in csv file reading.

    • Example from from ClassificationDatasetReader which use line id as cache key (it is line_info[0] in the line of code).:

  • _parse_pack
    • load a basic unit of raw data into data pack. It’s also a process of structuralizing the data: wrap data into ontology classes and assign data to data fields.

    • Example from PlainTextReader which reads txt file.

    def _parse_pack(self, file_path: str) -> Iterator[DataPack]:
        pack = DataPack()
        with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as file:
            text =
        # writing into data pack data fields
        pack.set_text(text, replace_func=self.text_replace_operation)
        pack.pack_name = file_path
        # Wrap data into ontology classes
        # It also specifies the range of text for `Document`
        Document(pack, 0, len(pack.text))
        yield pack
  • _collect
    • read data from the data source and returns an iterator yields data (for example, a line of data while reading csv file).

    • Example from ClassificationDatasetReader class:
      • it uses csv reader to read csv table-like data

      • it skips line if configs.skip_k_starting_lines is set to be positive integer

      • it returns a iterator that yields a line id and a table row for each iteration.

    def _collect(  # type: ignore
        self, csv_file: str
    ) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, List[str]]]:
        with open(csv_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            # reading data
            data = csv.reader(f, delimiter=",", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
            if self.configs.skip_k_starting_lines > 0:
                for _ in range(self.configs.skip_k_starting_lines):
            # yield data as an interator
            for line_id, line in enumerate(data):
                yield line_id, line


We have an working MT translation pipeline example here

This example uses PlainTextReader to read txt file.

class PlainTextReader(PackReader):
    r""":class:`PlainTextReader` is designed to read in plain text dataset."""

    def _collect(self, text_directory) -> Iterator[Any]:  # type: ignore
        r"""Should be called with param ``text_directory`` which is a path to a
        folder containing txt files.

            text_directory: text directory containing the files.

        Returns: Iterator over paths to .txt files
        # dataset_path_iterator is a function that return all file paths with the given file extensions under the given directories
        return dataset_path_iterator(text_directory, self.configs.file_ext)

    def _cache_key_function(self, text_file: str) -> str:
        # it returns text basename as a cache key
        return os.path.basename(text_file)

    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def text_replace_operation(self, text: str):
        # this function returns a list of replacing operations
        # in this particular example, we don't have any replacing operation
        # so we return an empty list
        return []

    def _parse_pack(self, file_path: str) -> Iterator[DataPack]:
        pack = DataPack()

        with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as file:
            text =
        # set DataPack.text field to text after a list of replacing operation
        # in this reader, we don't have the list is empty so we don't have replace operations
        pack.set_text(text, replace_func=self.text_replace_operation)

        # Wrap data into ontology classes
        Document(pack, 0, len(pack.text))

        # set pack_name to file_path
        pack.pack_name = file_path
        yield pack

    def default_configs(cls):
        return {"file_ext": ".txt"}

    def record(self, record_meta: Dict[str, Set[str]]):
        r"""Method to add output type record of `PlainTextReader` which is
        `ft.onto.base_ontology.Document` with an empty set
        to :attr:``.

            record_meta: the field in the datapack for type record that need to
                fill in for consistency checking.
        record_meta["ft.onto.base_ontology.Document"] = set()