Source code for

# Copyright 2019 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import logging

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Union, Iterator, Optional, Type, Any, Tuple

import jsonpickle

from sortedcontainers import SortedList
from packaging.version import Version

from forte.common import ProcessExecutionException
from import BaseMeta, BasePack
from import DataPack
from import BaseIndex
from import Entry
from import EntryType
from import (
from import DataRequest
from forte.utils import get_class

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

MdRequest = Dict[Type[Union[MultiPackLink, MultiPackGroup]], Union[Dict, List]]

[docs]class MultiPackMeta(BaseMeta): r"""Meta information of a MultiPack.""" pass
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class MultiPack(BasePack[Entry, MultiPackLink, MultiPackGroup]): r"""A :class:`` contains multiple `DataPacks` and a collection of cross-pack entries (such as links and groups) """ def __init__(self, pack_name: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(pack_name) # Store the pack ids of the subpacks. Note that these are UUIDs so # they should be globally non-conflicting. self._pack_ref: List[int] = [] # Store the reverse mapping from pack id to the pack index. self._inverse_pack_ref: Dict[int, int] = {} # Store the pack names. self._pack_names: List[str] = [] # Store the reverse mapping from name to the pack index. self._name_index: Dict[str, int] = {} # Reference to the real packs. self._packs: List[DataPack] = [] self.links: SortedList[MultiPackLink] = SortedList() self.groups: SortedList[MultiPackGroup] = SortedList() self.generics: SortedList[MultiPackGeneric] = SortedList() # Used to automatically give name to sub packs. self.__default_pack_prefix = "_pack" self._index: MultiIndex = MultiIndex() def __setstate__(self, state): r"""In deserialization, we set up the index and the references to the data packs inside. """ super().__setstate__(state) self.links = SortedList(self.links) self.groups = SortedList(self.groups) self.generics = SortedList(self.generics) self._index = MultiIndex() # TODO: index those pointers? self._index.update_basic_index(list(self.links)) self._index.update_basic_index(list(self.groups)) self._index.update_basic_index(list(self.generics)) for a in self.links: a.set_pack(self) for a in self.groups: a.set_pack(self) for a in self.generics: a.set_pack(self) # Rebuild the name to index lookup. self._name_index = {n: i for (i, n) in enumerate(self._pack_names)} # Create the pack list for adding them back. self._packs = [] def __getstate__(self): r""" Pop some recoverable information in serialization. Returns: """ state = super().__getstate__() # Do not directly serialize the pack itself. state.pop("_packs") state["links"] = list(state["links"]) state["groups"] = list(state["groups"]) state["generics"] = list(state["generics"]) return state def __iter__(self): yield from self.links yield from self.groups yield from self.generics def _init_meta(self, pack_name: Optional[str] = None) -> MultiPackMeta: return MultiPackMeta(pack_name) def _validate(self, entry: EntryType) -> bool: return isinstance(entry, MultiPackEntries) # TODO: get_subentry maybe useless
[docs] def get_subentry(self, pack_idx: int, entry_id: int): r""" Get sub_entry from multi pack. This method uses `pack_id` (a unique identifier assigned to datapack) to get a pack from multi pack, and then return its sub_entry with entry_id. Noted this is changed from the way of accessing such pack before the PACK_ID_COMPATIBLE_VERSION, in which the `pack_idx` was used as list index number to access/reference a pack within the multi pack (and in this case then get the sub_entry). Args: pack_idx: The pack_id for the data_pack in the multi pack. entry_id: the id for the entry from the pack with pack_id Returns: sub-entry of the pack with id = `pack_idx` """ pack_array_index: int = pack_idx # the old way # the following check if the pack version is higher than the (backward) # compatible version in which pack_idx is the pack_id not list index if Version(self.pack_version) >= Version(PACK_ID_COMPATIBLE_VERSION): pack_array_index = self.get_pack_index( pack_idx ) # the new way: using pack_id instead of array index return self._packs[pack_array_index].get_entry(entry_id)
# return self.get_pack_at(pack_idx).get_entry(entry_id) #old version def get_span_text(self, begin: int, end: int): raise ValueError( "MultiPack objects do not contain text, please refer to a " "specific data pack to get text." )
[docs] def remove_pack( self, index_of_pack: int, clean_invalid_entries: bool = False, purge_lists: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Remove a data pack at index `index_of_pack` from this multi pack. In a multi pack, the data pack to be removed may be associated with some multi pack entries, such as `MultiPackLinks` that are connected with other packs. These entries will become dangling and invalid, thus need to be removed. One can consider removing these links before calling this function, or set the `clean_invalid_entries` to `True` so that they will be automatically pruned. The purge of the lists in this multi_pack can be called if `pruge_lists` is set to true which will remove the empty spaces in the lists of this multi pack of the removed pack and resulting in the index for the remaining packs after the removed pack to be changed, so user will be responsible to manage such changes if the index(es) of said remaining pack is used or stored somewhere by user, after purging the lists. Args: index_of_pack: The index of pack for removal from the multi pack. If invalid, no pack will be deleted. clean_invalid_entries: Switch for automatically cleaning the entries associated with the data pack being deleted which will become invalid after the removal of the pack. Default is False. purge_lists: Switch for automatically removing the empty spaces in the lists of this multi pack of the removed pack and resulting in the index for the remaining packs after the removed pack to be changed, so user will be responsible to manage such changes if the index(es) of said remaining pack is used or stored somewhere by user, after purging the lists. Default is False. Returns: True if successful. Raises: ValueError: if ``clean_invalid_entries`` is set to False and the DataPack to be removed have entries (in links, groups) associated with it. """ pack = self.get_pack_at(index_of_pack) if pack is None or (not isinstance(pack, DataPack)): type_name = "None" if pack is not None: type_name = type(pack) raise ValueError( f"Object for the index should be pack, but got " f"type: {type_name}" ) return self._remove_pack( pack, index_of_pack, clean_invalid_entries, purge_lists )
def _remove_pack( self, pack: DataPack, index_of_pack: int, clean_invalid_entries: bool = False, purge_lists: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Remove an existing data pack in the multi pack. To prevent index of the packs following it being changed, set this empty position to None in order to keep the index for the packs intact. in `_pack_ref[]` and `_packs[]` the position will be set to None while in `_pack_names[]` the position will be set as empty string. The purge of the lists in this multi_pack can be called if `pruge_lists` is set to true which will remove the empty spaces in the lists of this multi pack of the removed pack and resulting in the index for the remaining packs after the removed pack to be changed, so user will be responsible to manage such changes if the index(es) of said remaining pack is used or stored somewhere by user, after purging the lists. Args: pack: The existing data pack. index_of_pack: the index of the pack to be removed clean_invalid_entries: Switch for automatically cleaning the entries associated with the data pack being deleted which will become invalid after the removal of the pack. Default is False. purge_lists: Switch for automatically removing the empty spaces in the lists of this multi pack of the removed pack and resulting in the index for the remaining packs after the removed pack to be changed, so user will be responsible to manage such changes if the index(es) of said remaining pack is used or stored somewhere by user, after purging the lists. Default is False. Returns: True if successful Raises: ValueError: if ``clean_invalid_entries`` is set to False and the DataPack to be removed have entries (in links, groups) associated with it. """ # check if the pack to be removed has any cross pack links/groups links_with_pack_for_removal = [] link: MultiPackLink for link in self.get(MultiPackLink): parent_entry_pid = link.get_parent().pack_id child_entry_pid = link.get_child().pack_id if ( parent_entry_pid == pack.pack_id or child_entry_pid == pack.pack_id ): links_with_pack_for_removal.append(link) groups_with_pack_for_removal = [] g: MultiPackGroup for g in self.get(MultiPackGroup): # e: Annotation for e in g.get_members(): if e.pack_id == pack.pack_id: groups_with_pack_for_removal.append(g) if ( len(links_with_pack_for_removal) > 0 or len(groups_with_pack_for_removal) > 0 ): if clean_invalid_entries: # clean links and groups for link in links_with_pack_for_removal: # delete_entry will take care of related indexes self.delete_entry(link) for g in groups_with_pack_for_removal: # delete_entry will take care of related indexes self.delete_entry(g) else: # raise exception according to requirement raise ValueError( "The pack to be removed has cross-pack references." " Please set clean_invalid_entries to be True to " " auto-remove all references to this pack" ) # To keep the remaining element 's index unchanged, set to None in # place instead of direct removal self._pack_ref[index_of_pack] = None # type: ignore # Remove the reverse mapping from pack id to the pack index. self._inverse_pack_ref.pop(pack.pack_id) # Remove the reverse mapping from name to the pack index. self._name_index.pop(self.pack_names[index_of_pack]) # Remove the pack names. To keep the remaining element's index # unchanged, set to empty instead of direct removal self._pack_names[index_of_pack] = "" # Remove Reference to the data pack. self._packs[index_of_pack] = None # type: ignore if purge_lists: self.purge_deleted_packs() # keep the behavior consistent return True
[docs] def purge_deleted_packs(self) -> bool: """ Purge deleted packs from lists previous set to -1, empty or none to keep index unchanged Caution: Purging the deleted_packs from lists in multi_pack will remove the empty spaces from the lists of this multi_pack after a pack is removed and resulting the indexes of the packs after the deleted pack(s) to change, so user will be responsible to manage such changes if such index of a pack is used or stored somewhere in user's code after purging. Returns: True if successful. """ # Remove those None in place and shrink the _pack_ref list. # Caution: item index will change for index in range(len(self._pack_ref) - 1, 0, -1): if self._pack_ref.__getitem__(index) is None: self._pack_ref.__delitem__(index) # Remove those None in place and shrink the _pack_names list. # Caution: item index will change for index in range(len(self._pack_names) - 1, 0, -1): if not self._pack_names.__getitem__(index): self._pack_names.__delitem__(index) # Remove those None in place and shrink the _packs list. Caution: item index will change for index in range(len(self._packs) - 1, 0, -1): if self._packs.__getitem__(index) is None: self._packs.__delitem__(index) return True
[docs] def add_pack( self, ref_name: Optional[str] = None, pack_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> DataPack: """ Create a data pack and add it to this multi pack. If `ref_name` is provided, it will be used to index the data pack. Otherwise, a default name based on the pack id will be created for this data pack. The created data pack will be returned. Args: ref_name: The pack name used to reference this data pack from the multi pack. If none, the reference name will not be set. pack_name: The pack name of the data pack (itself). If none, the name will not be set. Returns: The newly created data pack. """ if ref_name in self._name_index: raise ValueError(f"The name {ref_name} has already been taken.") if ref_name is not None and not isinstance(ref_name, str): type_name = "None" if ref_name is not None: type_name = type(ref_name) raise ValueError( f"key of the pack should be str, but got type: {type_name}" ) pack: DataPack = DataPack(pack_name=pack_name) self.add_pack_(pack, ref_name) return pack
[docs] def add_pack_(self, pack: DataPack, ref_name: Optional[str] = None): """ Add a existing data pack to the multi pack. Args: pack: The existing data pack. ref_name: The name to used in this multi pack. Returns: None """ if ref_name in self._name_index: raise ValueError(f"The name {ref_name} has already been taken.") if ref_name is not None and not isinstance(ref_name, str): raise ValueError( f"key of the pack should be str, but got " f"" f"{type(ref_name)}" ) if not isinstance(pack, DataPack): raise ValueError( f"value of the packs should be DataPack, but " f"got {type(pack)}" ) pid = pack.pack_id if ref_name is None: # Create a default name based on the pack id. ref_name = f"{self.__default_pack_prefix}_{pid}" # Record the pack's global id and names. Also the reverse lookup map. self._pack_ref.append(pid) self._inverse_pack_ref[pid] = len(self._pack_ref) - 1 self._pack_names.append(ref_name) self._name_index[ref_name] = len(self._pack_ref) - 1 self._packs.append(pack)
[docs] def get_pack_at(self, index: int) -> DataPack: """ Get data pack at provided index. Args: index: The index of the pack. Returns: The pack at the index. """ # return self._pack_manager.get_from_pool(self._pack_ref[index]) return self.packs[index]
[docs] def get_pack_index(self, pack_id: int) -> int: """ Get the pack index from the global pack id. Args: pack_id: The global pack id to find. Returns: None """ try: return self._inverse_pack_ref[pack_id] except KeyError as ke: raise ProcessExecutionException( f"Pack {pack_id} is not in this multi-pack." ) from ke
[docs] def get_pack(self, name: str) -> DataPack: """ Get data pack of name. Args: name: The name of the pack. Returns: The pack that has that name. """ return self._packs[self._name_index[name]]
def pack_ids(self) -> List[int]: return self._pack_ref @property def num_pack(self) -> int: return len(self._packs) @property def packs(self) -> List[DataPack]: """ Get the list of Data packs that in the order of added. Please do not use this try Returns: List of data packs contained in this multi-pack. """ return self._packs @property def pack_names(self) -> List[str]: return self._pack_names def update_pack(self, named_packs: Dict[str, DataPack]): for pack_name, pack in named_packs.items(): self.add_pack_(pack, pack_name) def iter_packs(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, DataPack]]: for pack_name, pack in zip(self._pack_names, self.packs): yield pack_name, pack
[docs] def rename_pack(self, old_name: str, new_name: str): r"""Rename the pack to a new name. If the new_name is already taken, a ``ValueError`` will be raised. If the old_name is not found, then a ``KeyError`` will be raised just as missing value from a dictionary. Args: old_name: The old name of the pack. new_name: The new name to be assigned for the pack. Returns: None """ if new_name in self._name_index: raise ValueError("The new name is already taken.") pack_index = self._name_index[old_name] self._name_index[new_name] = pack_index self._pack_names[pack_index] = new_name
@property def all_links(self) -> Iterator[MultiPackLink]: """ An iterator of all links in this multi pack. Returns: Iterator of all links, of type :class:``. """ yield from self.links @property def num_links(self) -> int: """ Number of groups in this multi pack. Returns: Number of links. """ return len(self.groups) @property def all_groups(self) -> Iterator[MultiPackGroup]: """ An iterator of all groups in this multi pack. Returns: Iterator of all groups, of type :class:``. """ yield from self.groups @property def num_groups(self) -> int: """ Number of groups in this multi pack. Returns: Number of groups. """ return len(self.groups) @property def generic_entries(self) -> Iterator[MultiPackGeneric]: yield from self.generics
[docs] def add_all_remaining_entries(self, component: Optional[str] = None): """ Calling this function will add the entries that are not added to the pack manually. Args: component: Overwrite the component record with this. Returns: None """ super().add_all_remaining_entries(component) for pack in self.packs: pack.add_all_remaining_entries(component)
def get_data( self, context_type, request: Optional[DataRequest] = None, skip_k: int = 0, ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: raise NotImplementedError( "We haven't implemented get data for multi pack data yet." )
[docs] def get_single_pack_data( self, pack_index: int, context_type: Type[Annotation], request: Optional[DataRequest] = None, skip_k: int = 0, ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Get pack data from one of the packs specified by the name. This is equivalent to calling the :meth:`` in :class:``. Args: pack_index: The index of a single pack. context_type: The granularity of the data context, which could be any Annotation type. request: The entry types and fields required. The keys of the dict are the required entry types and the value should be either a list of field names or a dict. If the value is a dict, accepted items includes "fields", "component", and "unit". By setting "component" (a list), users can specify the components by which the entries are generated. If "component" is not specified, will return entries generated by all components. By setting "unit" (a string), users can specify a unit by which the annotations are indexed. Note that for all annotations, "text" and "span" fields are given by default; for all links, "child" and "parent" fields are given by default. skip_k:Will skip the first k instances and generate data from the k + 1 instance. Returns: A data generator, which generates one piece of data (a dict containing the required annotations and context). """ yield from self.get_pack_at(pack_index).get_data( context_type, request, skip_k )
[docs] def get_cross_pack_data( self, request: MdRequest, ): r""" .. note:: This function is not finished. Get data via the links and groups across data packs. The keys could be `MultiPack` entries (i.e. `MultiPackLink` and `MultiPackGroup`). The values specifies the detailed entry information to be get. The value can be a List of field names, then the return results will contains all specified fields. One can also call this method with more constraints by providing a dictionary, which can contain the following keys: - "fields", this specifies the attribute field names to be obtained - "unit", this specifies the unit used to index the annotation - "component", this specifies a constraint to take only the entries created by the specified component. The data request logic is similar to that of :meth:`` function in :class:``, but applied on `MultiPack` entries. Example: .. code-block:: python requests = { MultiPackLink: { "component": ["dummy"], "fields": ["speaker"], }, base_ontology.Token: ["pos", "sense""], base_ontology.EntityMention: { "unit": "Token", }, } pack.get_cross_pack_data(requests) Args: request: A dict containing the data request. The keys are the types to be requested, and the fields are the detailed constraints. Returns: None """ # TODO: Not finished yet pass
def __add_entry_with_check( self, entry: EntryType, allow_duplicate: bool = True ) -> EntryType: r"""Internal method to add an :class:`` object to the :class:`` object. Args: - entry: An :class:`` object to be added to the datapack. - allow_duplicate: Whether we allow duplicate in the datapack. Returns: The input entry itself """ if isinstance(entry, MultiPackLink): target = self.links elif isinstance(entry, MultiPackGroup): target = self.groups elif isinstance(entry, MultiPackGeneric): target = self.generics else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid entry type {type(entry)} for Multipack. A valid " f"entry should be an instance of MultiPackLink, MultiPackGroup" f", or MultiPackGeneric." ) add_new = allow_duplicate or (entry not in target) if add_new: target.add(entry) # TODO: add the pointers? # update the data pack index if needed self._index.update_basic_index([entry]) if self._index.link_index_on and isinstance(entry, MultiPackLink): self._index.update_link_index([entry]) if self._index.group_index_on and isinstance(entry, MultiPackGroup): self._index.update_group_index([entry]) self._pending_entries.pop(entry.tid) return entry else: return target[target.index(entry)]
[docs] def get( # type: ignore self, entry_type: Union[str, Type[EntryType]], components: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, include_sub_type=True, ) -> Iterator[EntryType]: """Get entries of ``entry_type`` from this multi pack. Example: .. code-block:: python for relation in pack.get( CrossDocEntityRelation, component="relation_creator" ): print(relation.get_parent()) In the above code snippet, we get entries of type :class:`~ft.onto.base_ontology.CrossDocEntityRelation` which were generated by a component named ``relation_creator`` Args: entry_type: The type of the entries requested. components: The component generating the entries requested. If `None`, all valid entries generated by any component will be returned. include_sub_type: whether to return the sub types of the queried `entry_type`. True by default. Returns: An iterator of the entries matching the arguments, following the order of entries (first sort by entry comparison, then by insertion) """ entry_type_: Type[EntryType] if isinstance(entry_type, str): entry_type_ = get_class(entry_type) if not issubclass(entry_type_, Entry): raise AttributeError( f"The specified entry type [{entry_type}] " f"does not correspond to a " f"'' class" ) else: entry_type_ = entry_type entry_iter: Iterator[Entry] if not include_sub_type: entry_iter = self.get_entries_of(entry_type_) elif issubclass(entry_type_, MultiPackLink): entry_iter = self.links elif issubclass(entry_type_, MultiPackGroup): entry_iter = self.groups elif issubclass(entry_type_, MultiPackGeneric): entry_iter = self.generics else: raise ValueError( f"The entry type: {entry_type_} is not supported by MultiPack." ) all_types: Set[Type] if include_sub_type: all_types = self._expand_to_sub_types(entry_type_) if components is not None: if isinstance(components, str): components = [components] for e in entry_iter: # Will check for the type matching if sub types are also requested. if include_sub_type and type(e) not in all_types: continue # Check for the component. if components is not None: if not self.is_created_by(e, components): continue yield e # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize( cls, data_path: Union[Path, str], serialize_method: str = "jsonpickle", zip_pack: bool = False, ) -> "MultiPack": """ Deserialize a Multi Pack from a string. Note that this will only deserialize the native multi pack content, which means the associated DataPacks contained in the MultiPack will not be recovered. A followed-up step need to be performed to add the data packs back to the multi pack. This internally calls the internal :meth:`` function from the :class:``. Args: data_path: The serialized string of a Multi pack to be deserialized. serialize_method: The method used to serialize the data, this should be the same as how serialization is done. The current options are `jsonpickle` and `pickle`. The default method is `jsonpickle`. zip_pack: Boolean value indicating whether the input source is zipped. Returns: An data pack object deserialized from the string. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access mp: MultiPack = cls._deserialize(data_path, serialize_method, zip_pack) # (fix 595) change the dictionary's key after deserialization from str back to int mp._inverse_pack_ref = { int(k): v for k, v in mp._inverse_pack_ref.items() } return mp
@classmethod def from_string(cls, data_content: str): # pylint: disable=protected-access # can not use explict type hint for mp as pylint does not allow type change # from base_pack to multi_pack which is problematic so use jsonpickle instead mp = jsonpickle.decode(data_content) if not hasattr(mp, "pack_version"): mp.pack_version = DEFAULT_PACK_VERSION # (fix 595) change the dictionary's key after deserialization from str back to int mp._inverse_pack_ref = { # pylint: disable=no-member int(k): v for k, v in mp._inverse_pack_ref.items() # pylint: disable=no-member } return mp def _add_entry(self, entry: EntryType) -> EntryType: r"""Force add an :class:`` object to the :class:`` object. Allow duplicate entries in a datapack. Args: entry: An :class:`` object to be added to the datapack. Returns: The input entry itself """ return self.__add_entry_with_check(entry, True)
[docs] def delete_entry(self, entry: EntryType): r"""Delete an :class:`` object from the :class:``. Args: entry: An :class:`` object to be deleted from the pack. """ if isinstance(entry, MultiPackLink): target = self.links elif isinstance(entry, MultiPackGroup): target = self.groups elif isinstance(entry, MultiPackGeneric): target = self.generics else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid entry type {type(entry)}. A valid entry " f"should be an instance of Annotation, Link, or Group." ) begin = 0 for i, e in enumerate(target[begin:]): if e.tid == entry.tid: target.pop(i + begin) break # update basic index self._index.remove_entry(entry) # set other index invalid self._index.turn_link_index_switch(on=False) self._index.turn_group_index_switch(on=False)
@classmethod def validate_link(cls, entry: EntryType) -> bool: return isinstance(entry, MultiPackLink) @classmethod def validate_group(cls, entry: EntryType) -> bool: return isinstance(entry, MultiPackGroup) def view(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
class MultiIndex(BaseIndex): pass