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# Copyright 2020 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This file implements BioSeqTaggingExtractor, which is used to extract feature
from the tagging label.
import logging
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Optional, Iterable, Type

from torch import Tensor

from forte.common.configuration import Config
from import BaseExtractor
from import Feature
from import DataPack
from import Annotation
from import Entry
from forte.datasets.conll.conll_utils import bio_tagging
from forte.utils import get_class

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["BioSeqTaggingExtractor"]

[docs]class BioSeqTaggingExtractor(BaseExtractor): r"""BioSeqTaggingExtractor will the feature by performing BIO encoding for the attribute of entry and aligning to the tagging_unit entry. Most of the time, a user will not need to call this class explicitly, they will be called by the framework. """
[docs] def initialize(self, config: Union[Dict, Config]): """ Initialize the extractor based on the provided configuration. Args: config: The configuration of the extractor, it can be a `Dict` or :class:`~forte.common.configuration.Config`. See :meth:`default_configs` for available options and default values. """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init super().initialize(config=config) if self.config.attribute is None: raise AttributeError( "attribute is required " "in BioSeqTaggingExtractor." ) if not self.config.tagging_unit: raise AttributeError( "tagging_unit is required in " "BioSeqTaggingExtractor." ) self._attribute: str = self.config.attribute self._tagging_unit: Type[Annotation] = get_class( self.config.tagging_unit ) self._entry_type: Type[Annotation] = get_class(self.config.entry_type)
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls): r"""Returns a dictionary of default hyper-parameters. Here, additional parameters are added from the parent class: - entry_type (str): Required. The fully qualified name of an Annotation entry to extract attribute from. For example, for an NER task, it could be `ft.onto.base_ontology.EntityMention`. - attribute (str): Required. The attribute name of the entry from which labels are extracted. - tagging_unit (str): Required. The fully qualified name of the units for tagging, The tagging label will align to the units, e.g: `ft.onto.base_ontology.Token`. - pad_value (int): A customized value/representation to be used for padding. This value is only needed when `use_pad` is True. Default is -100 to follow PyTorch convention. - is_bert (bool): It indicates whether Bert model is used. If true, padding will be added to the beginning and end of a sentence corresponding to the special tokens ([CLS], [SEP]) used in Bert. Default is False. For example, the config can be: .. code-block:: python { "entry_type": "ft.onto.base_ontology.EntityMention", "attribute": "ner_type", "tagging_unit": "ft.onto.base_ontology.Token" } The extractor will extract the BIO NER tags for instances. A possible feature can be: .. code-block:: python [[None, "O"], ["LOC", "B"], ["LOC", "I"], [None, "O"], [None, "O"], ["PER", "B"], [None, "O"]] """ config = super().default_configs() config.update( { "entry_type": None, "attribute": None, "tagging_unit": "", "pad_value": -100, "is_bert": False, } ) return config
@classmethod def _bio_variance(cls, tag: str): r"""Return the BIO-schemed augmented tagging scheme, for example, if the `tag` is "person", the output would be `B-person`, `I-person`, `O-person`. Currently only supports B, I, O label. Args: tag: Tag name. """ return [(tag, "B"), (tag, "I"), (None, "O")]
[docs] def predefined_vocab(self, predefined: Iterable): r"""Add predefined tags into the vocabulary. i.e. One can construct the tag vocabulary without exploring the training data. Args: predefined: A set of pre-defined tags. """ for tag in predefined: for element in self._bio_variance(tag): self.add(element)
[docs] def update_vocab( self, pack: DataPack, context: Optional[Annotation] = None ): r"""Add all the tag from one instance into the vocabulary. Args: pack: The datapack that contains the current instance. context: The context is an Annotation entry where features will be extracted within its range. If None, then the whole data pack will be used as the context. Default is None. """ anno: Annotation for anno in pack.get(self.config.entry_type, context): for tag_variance in self._bio_variance( getattr(anno, self._attribute) ): self.add(tag_variance)
[docs] def extract( self, pack: DataPack, context: Optional[Annotation] = None ) -> Feature: r"""Extract the sequence tagging feature of one instance. If the vocabulary of this extractor is set, then the extracted tag sequences will be converted to the tag ids (int). Args: pack: The datapack that contains the current instance. context: The context is an Annotation entry where features will be extracted within its range. If None, then the whole data pack will be used as the context. Default is None. Returns (Feature): a feature that contains the extracted BIO sequence of and other metadata. """ instance_tagged: List[Tuple[Optional[str], str]] = bio_tagging( pack, self.config.tagging_unit, self.config.entry_type, self.config.attribute, context, ) pad_value = self.get_pad_value() if self.vocab: # Use the vocabulary to map data into representation. vocab_mapped: List[Union[int, List[int]]] = [] for pair in instance_tagged: vocab_mapped.append(self.element2repr(pair)) raw_data: List = vocab_mapped if self.config.is_bert: raw_data = [pad_value] + raw_data + [pad_value] need_pad = self.vocab.use_pad else: # When vocabulary is not available, use the original data. raw_data = instance_tagged need_pad = self.config.need_pad meta_data = { "need_pad": need_pad, "pad_value": pad_value, "dim": 1, "dtype": int if self.vocab else tuple, } return Feature(data=raw_data, metadata=meta_data, vocab=self.vocab)
[docs] def pre_evaluation_action( self, pack: DataPack, context: Optional[Annotation] = None ): r"""This function is performed on the pack before the evaluation stage, allowing one to perform some actions before the evaluation. By default, this function will remove tags in the instance. You can overwrite this function by yourself. Args: pack: The datapack to be processed. context: The context is an Annotation entry where data are extracted within its range. If None, then the whole data pack will be used as the context. Default is None. """ all_entries: List[Entry] = [] entry: Entry for entry in pack.get(self.config.entry_type, context): all_entries.append(entry) for e in all_entries: pack.delete_entry(e)
[docs] def add_to_pack( self, pack: DataPack, predictions: List[int], context: Optional[Annotation] = None, ): r"""Add the prediction results to data pack. The predictions are We make following assumptions for prediction. 1. If we encounter "I" while its tag is different from the previous tag, we will consider this "I" as a "B" and start a new tag here. 2. We will truncate the prediction it according to the number of entry. If the prediction contains `<PAD>` element, this should remove them. Args: pack: The datapack that contains the current instance. predictions: This is the output of the model, which contains the index for attributes of one instance. context: The context is an Annotation entry where features will be extracted within its range. If None, then the whole data pack will be used as the context. Default is None. """ instance_tagging_unit: List[Annotation] = list( pack.get(self._tagging_unit, context) ) if self.config.is_bert: predictions = predictions[1:-1] predictions = predictions[: len(instance_tagging_unit)] if isinstance(predictions, Tensor): predictions = predictions.cpu().numpy() tags = [self.id2element(x) for x in predictions] tag_start = None tag_end = None tag_type = None for entry, tag in zip(instance_tagging_unit, tags): if ( tag[1] == "O" or tag[1] == "B" or (tag[1] == "I" and tag[0] != tag_type) ): if tag_type: entity_mention = self._entry_type(pack, tag_start, tag_end) setattr(entity_mention, self._attribute, tag_type) tag_start = entry.begin tag_end = entry.end tag_type = tag[0] else: tag_end = entry.end # Handle the final tag if tag_type and tag_start and tag_end: entity_mention = self._entry_type( pack, tag_start, tag_end # type: ignore ) setattr(entity_mention, self._attribute, tag_type)