Source code for forte.processors.misc.remote_processor

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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RemoteProcessor is used to interact with a remote Forte end-point.
The Forte service must be created by a pipeline with `RawDataDeserializeReader`
being set as its reader.

import json
import logging
from typing import Dict, Set, Any, Optional

from forte.common import Resources, ProcessorConfigError
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from import DataPack
from forte.processors.base import PackProcessor
from forte.utils import create_import_error_msg

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["RemoteProcessor"]

[docs]class RemoteProcessor(PackProcessor): r""" RemoteProcessor wraps up the interactions with remote Forte end point. Each input DataPack from the upstream component will be serialized and packed into a POST request to be sent to a remote service, which should return a response that can be parsed into a DataPack to update the input. Example usage: .. code-block:: python # Assume that a Forte service is running on "localhost:8080". Pipeline() \ .set_reader(plaintext_reader(), {"input_path":"some/path"}) \ .add(RemoteProcessor(), {"url": "http://localhost:8008"}) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() try: import requests # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( create_import_error_msg( "requests", "remote", "Remote Processor" ) ) from e self._requests: Any = requests self._records: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = None self._expectation: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = None
[docs] def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Config): super().initialize(resources, configs) _validation: Config = self.configs.validation # Verify the service is running response = self._requests.get(self.configs.url) if response.status_code != 200 or response.json()["status"] != "OK": raise ProcessorConfigError( f"{response.status_code} {response.reason}: Please double " "check your endpoint URL configuration and make sure that the " f"remote service at {self.configs.url} is a valid pipeline " "service that is up and running." ) service_name: str = response.json()["service_name"] input_format: str = response.json()["input_format"] if _validation.do_init_type_check: # Validate service name and input format if service_name != _validation.expected_name: raise ProcessorConfigError( "Validation fail: The expected service name " f"('{_validation.expected_name}') does not match the " "actual name returned by remote service " f"('{service_name}'). Please double check your endpoint " f"URL {self.configs.url} or consider updating the configs " "of RemoteProcessor so that 'validation.expected_name' " f"equals to '{service_name}'." ) if input_format != _validation.input_format: raise ProcessorConfigError( "Validation fail: The expected input format " f"('{_validation.input_format}') does not match the " "actual input format returned by remote service " f"('{input_format}'). Please double check your endpoint " f"URL {self.configs.url} or consider updating the configs " "of RemoteProcessor so that 'validation.input_format' " f"equals to '{input_format}'." )
[docs] def record(self, record_meta: Dict[str, Set[str]]): r"""Method to add output type record of `RemoteProcessor`. The records are queried from the remote service. The types and attributes are populated from all the components in remote pipeline. Args: record_meta: the field in the datapack for type record that need to fill in for consistency checking. """ if self._records is None: response = self._requests.get(f"{self.configs.url}/records") if response.status_code != 200 or response.json()["status"] != "OK": raise ProcessorConfigError( f"{response.status_code} {response.reason}: " "Fail to fetch records from remote service. Please make " f"sure that the remote service at {self.configs.url} is " "a valid pipeline service that is up and running." ) self._records = response.json()["records"] record_meta.update(self._records)
[docs] def expected_types_and_attributes(self): r"""Method to add expected types and attributes for the input of `RemoteProcessor`. This should be the `expected_types_and_attributes` of the first processor in remote pipeline. """ if self._expectation is None: response = self._requests.get(f"{self.configs.url}/expectation") if response.status_code != 200 or response.json()["status"] != "OK": raise ProcessorConfigError( f"{response.status_code} {response.reason}: " "Fail to fetch expected types and attributes from remote " "service. Please make sure that the remote service at " f"{self.configs.url} is a valid pipeline service that is " "up and running." ) self._expectation = response.json()["expectation"] return self._expectation
def _process(self, input_pack: DataPack): # Pack the input_pack and POST it to remote service response = f"{self.configs.url}/process", json={"args": json.dumps([[input_pack.to_string()]])}, ) if response.status_code != 200 or response.json()["status"] != "OK": raise Exception( f"{response.status_code} {response.reason}: " "Invalid post request to process input pack. Please make " f"sure that the remote service at {self.configs.url} is " "a valid pipeline service that is up and running." ) result = response.json()["result"] input_pack.update(DataPack.from_string(result)) # type: ignore
[docs] def set_test_mode(self, app): """ Configure the processor into test mode. This should only be called from a pytest program. Args: app: A fastapi app from a Forte pipeline. """ try: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from fastapi.testclient import TestClient except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( create_import_error_msg("fastapi", "remote", "RemoteProcessor") ) from err self._requests = TestClient(app)
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ This defines a basic config structure for RemoteProcessor. Following are the keys for this dictionary: - ``url``: URL of the remote service end point. Default value is `"http://localhost:8008"`. - ``validation``: Information for validation. - ``do_init_type_check``: Validate the pipeline by checking the info of the remote pipeline with the expected attributes. Default to `False`. - ``input_format``: The expected input format of the remote service. Default to `"string"`. - ``expected_name``: The expected pipeline name. Default to `''`. Returns: dict: A dictionary with the default config for this processor. """ return { "url": "http://localhost:8008", "validation": { "do_init_type_check": False, "input_format": "string", "expected_name": "", }, }