Source code for forte.processors.data_augment.data_aug_processor

# Copyright 2022 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This Processor focuses on calling data augmentation ops
to generate texts similar to those in the input pack
and create a new pack with them.
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, DefaultDict, Union, cast
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from forte.common.resources import Resources
from import DataPack
from import MultiPack
from import Entry, BaseLink
from import (
from forte.processors.base import MultiPackProcessor
from forte.utils.utils import create_class_with_kwargs
from forte.processors.data_augment.algorithms.base_data_augmentation_op import (

__all__ = ["DataAugProcessor"]

[docs]class DataAugProcessor(MultiPackProcessor): r""" This is a Base Data Augmentation Op Processor that instantiates data augmentation ops into Forte Data Structures to be used. It can handle augmentations of multiple ontology types simultaneously and copy other existing Forte entries based on policies specified in `other_entry_policy` configuration from source data pack to augmented data pack. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() # :attr:`_new_data_packs`: {datapack id: datapack} # It records the mapping from the original data pack # to the augmented data pack self._new_data_packs: DefaultDict[int, DataPack] = defaultdict() # :attr:`_data_pack_map`: {orig pack id: new pack id} # It maintains a mapping from the pack id # of the original pack to the pack id of augmented pack. # It is used when copying the MultiPackLink and MultiPackGroup. self._data_pack_map: Dict[int, int] = {} # :attr:`_entry_maps`: {datapack id: Dict{orig tid, new tid}} # It is a map for tracking the annotation ids # before and after the auto align. It maps the # original annotation tid to the new annotation tid. # It is used when copying the Link/Group/MultiPackLink/MultiPackGroup. self._entry_maps: Dict[int, Dict[int, int]] = {} # :attr:`replacement_op`: BaseAugmentationOp # It is the augmentation Op used by this processor # instance. self.replacement_op: BaseDataAugmentationOp self.configs = None def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Config): super().initialize(resources, configs) self.configs = self.make_configs(configs) def _copy_multi_pack_link_or_group( self, entry: Union[MultiPackLink, MultiPackGroup], multi_pack: MultiPack ) -> bool: r""" This function copies a MultiPackLink/MultiPackGroup in the multipack. It could be used in tasks such as text generation, where MultiPackLink is used to align the source and target. Args: entry: The MultiPackLink/MultiPackGroup to copy. multi_pack: The multi_pack contains the input entry. Returns: A bool value indicating whether the copy happens. """ # The entry should be either MultiPackLink or MultiPackGroup. is_link: bool = isinstance(entry, BaseLink) children: List[Entry] if is_link: children = [entry.get_parent(), entry.get_child()] # type: ignore else: children = entry.get_members() # type: ignore # Get the copied children entries. new_children: List[Entry] = [] for child_entry in children: child_pack: DataPack = child_entry.pack child_pack_pid: int = child_pack.pack_id # The new pack should be present. if ( child_pack_pid not in self._data_pack_map or child_pack_pid not in self._entry_maps ): return False new_child_pack: DataPack = multi_pack.get_pack_at( multi_pack.get_pack_index(self._data_pack_map[child_pack_pid]) ) # The new child entry should be present. if child_entry.tid not in self._entry_maps[child_pack_pid]: return False new_child_tid: int = self._entry_maps[child_pack_pid][ child_entry.tid ] new_child_entry: Entry = new_child_pack.get_entry(new_child_tid) new_children.append(new_child_entry) # Create the new entry and add to the multi pack. new_entry: Entry if is_link: entry = cast(MultiPackLink, entry) new_link_parent, new_link_child = new_children new_entry = type(entry)( multi_pack, new_link_parent, new_link_child # type: ignore ) else: entry = cast(MultiPackGroup, entry) new_entry = type(entry)(multi_pack, new_children) # type: ignore multi_pack.add_entry(new_entry) return True def _clear_states(self): r""" This function clears the states. It should be called after processing a multipack. """ self.replacement_op.clear_states() self._data_pack_map.clear() self._entry_maps.clear() def _augment( self, input_pack: MultiPack, aug_pack_names: List[str] ) -> bool: r""" This function calls the data augmentation ops and modifies the input in-place. The subclasses should override this function to implement other data augmentation methods, such as Easy Data Augmentation. Args: input_pack: The input MultiPack. aug_pack_names: The packs names for DataPacks to be augmented. Returns: A boolean value indicating if the data augmentation was sucessful or not. """ try: self.replacement_op = create_class_with_kwargs( self.configs["data_aug_op"], class_args={"configs": self.configs["data_aug_op_config"]}, ) for pack_name in aug_pack_names: data_pack: DataPack = input_pack.get_pack(pack_name) self._new_data_packs[ data_pack.pack_id ] = self.replacement_op.perform_augmentation(data_pack) ( self._data_pack_map, self._entry_maps, ) = self.replacement_op.get_maps() return True except ValueError: return False def _process(self, input_pack: MultiPack): # Get the pack names for augmentation. aug_pack_names: List[str] = [] # Check if the DataPack exists. for pack_name in self.configs["augment_pack_names"].keys(): if pack_name in input_pack.pack_names: aug_pack_names.append(pack_name) if len(self.configs["augment_pack_names"].keys()) == 0: # Augment all the DataPacks if not specified. aug_pack_names = list(input_pack.pack_names) success = self._augment(input_pack, aug_pack_names) if not success: raise ValueError( f"There was a problem encountered when performing the " f"augmentation in {self.configs['data_aug_op']}." ) new_packs: List[Tuple[str, DataPack]] = [] for aug_pack_name in aug_pack_names: new_pack_name: str = self.configs["augment_pack_names"].get( aug_pack_name, "augmented_" + aug_pack_name ) data_pack = input_pack.get_pack(aug_pack_name) new_packs.append( (new_pack_name, self._new_data_packs[data_pack.pack_id]) ) for new_pack_name, new_pack in new_packs: input_pack.add_pack_(new_pack, new_pack_name) # Copy the MultiPackLinks/MultiPackGroups for mpl in input_pack.get(MultiPackLink): self._copy_multi_pack_link_or_group(mpl, input_pack) for mpg in input_pack.get(MultiPackGroup): self._copy_multi_pack_link_or_group(mpg, input_pack) # Must be called after processing each multipack # to reset internal states. self._clear_states() @classmethod def default_configs(cls): """ Returns: A dictionary with the default config for this processor. Following are the keys for this dictionary: - data_aug_op: The data augmentation Op for the processor. It should be a full qualified class name. Example: "forte.processors.data_augment.algorithms. text_replacement_op.TextReplacementOp" - data_aug_op_config: The configuration for data augmentation Op. Example: .. code-block:: python 'data_aug_op_config': { 'lang': 'en', 'use_gpu': False, 'other_entry_policy': { 'ft.onto.base_ontology.Document': 'auto_align', 'ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence': 'auto_align', } } - augment_pack_names: A dict specifies the DataPacks to augment and their output names. It should be key-value pairs where the key is the input DataPack name, and the value is the output DataPack name after augmentation. If empty, all the DataPacks will be augmented, and the output names will be automatically generated by prepending an `'augmented_'` prefix. Example: .. code-block:: python 'data_aug_op_config': { 'src': 'aug_src', 'tgt': 'aug_tgt' } """ return { "data_aug_op": "", "data_aug_op_config": {}, "augment_pack_names": {}, "@no_typecheck": [ "data_aug_op_config", "augment_pack_names", ], }