Source code for forte.processors.data_augment.algorithms.single_annotation_op

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SingleAnnotationAugmentOp is the extension of the BaseDataAugmentationOp.
The aim of this Op is to increase ease of use and reduce freedom of
operations that can be done on a data pack. This Op only allows the
implementation of those augmentation algorithms that process one
annotation at a time. This annotation can be one Token or even one
Sentence. But once declares, the augmentation will happen only
on the specified annotations.
from typing import (
from abc import abstractmethod
from import DataPack
from import Annotation
from forte.utils.utils import get_class
from forte.processors.data_augment.algorithms.base_data_augmentation_op import (

__all__ = ["SingleAnnotationAugmentOp"]

[docs]class SingleAnnotationAugmentOp(BaseDataAugmentationOp): r""" This class extends the `BaseDataAugmentationOp` to only allow augmentation of one annotation at a time. This operation should be used when we only want to augment one type of annotation in the whole data pack. Thus, to use this operation, the developer only needs to specify how a single annotation will be processed as a part of their augmentation method. We leave the :func:`single_annotation_augment` method to be implemented by the subclass. This function will specify what type of augmentation will a given annotation (of a predefined type) undergo. """
[docs] def augment(self, data_pack: DataPack) -> bool: r""" This method is not to be modified when using the `SingleAnnotationAugmentOp`. This function takes in the augmentation logic specified by :func:`single_annotation_augment` method to apply it to each annotation of the specified type individually. Args: input_anno: the input annotation to be replaced. Returns: A boolean value indicating if the augmentation was successful (True) or unsuccessful (False). """ augment_entry = get_class(self.configs["augment_entry"]) anno: Annotation replaced_text: str is_replace: bool for anno in data_pack.get(augment_entry): is_replace, replaced_text = self.single_annotation_augment(anno) if is_replace: try: _ = self.replace_annotations(anno, replaced_text) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def single_annotation_augment( self, input_anno: Annotation ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: r""" This function takes in one annotation at a time and performs the desired augmentation on it. Through this function, one annotation is processed at a time. The developer needs to specify the logic that will be adopted to process one annotation of a given type. This method cannot suggest an augmentation logic which take in multiple annotations of the same type. Args: input_anno: The annotation that needs to be augmented. Returns: A tuple, where the first element is a boolean value indicating whether the augmentation happens, and the second element is the replaced string. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" Returns: A dictionary with the default config for this processor. Following are the keys for this dictionary: - augment_entry: Defines the entry the processor will augment. It should be a full qualified name of the entry class. Default value is "ft.onto.base_ontology.Token". """ return {"augment_entry": "ft.onto.base_ontology.Token"}