Source code for forte.processors.base.batch_processor

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The processors that process data in batch.
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any

from forte.common import Resources, ProcessorConfigError
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from import slice_batch, BaseExtractor
from import PackType
from import (
from import Converter
from import DataPack
from import MultiPack
from import Annotation
from forte.processors.base.base_processor import BaseProcessor
from forte.utils import extractor_utils

__all__ = [

from forte.utils.extractor_utils import (

[docs]class BaseBatchProcessor(BaseProcessor[PackType], ABC): r"""The base class of processors that process data in batch. This processor enables easy data batching via analyze the context and data objects. The context defines the scope of analysis of a particular task. For example, in dependency parsing, the context is normally a sentence, in entity coreference, the context is normally a document. The processor will create data batches relative to the context. Key fields in this processor: - batcher: The processing batcher used for this processor. The batcher will also keep track of the relation between the pack and the batch data. - use_coverage_index: If true, the index will be built based on the requests. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._batcher: Optional[ProcessingBatcher] = None self.use_coverage_index = False
[docs] def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Optional[Config]): super().initialize(resources, configs) assert configs is not None try: self.batcher.initialize(configs.batcher) except AttributeError as e: raise ProcessorConfigError( "Error in handling batcher config, please check the " "config of the batcher to see they are correct." ) from e
@property def batcher(self) -> ProcessingBatcher: if self._batcher is None: self._batcher = self.define_batcher() return self._batcher def _process(self, input_pack: PackType): r"""In batch processors, all data are processed in batches. This function is already implemented to convert data in to batches. Users do not need to implement this function, but should instead implement ``_process_batch``. but should instead implement ``predict``, which computes results from batches, and ``pack_all``, which convert the batch results back to datapacks. Args: input_pack: The next input pack to be fed in. """ if self.use_coverage_index: self._prepare_coverage_index(input_pack) for packs, instances, batch in self.batcher.get_batch(input_pack): self._process_batch(packs, instances, batch)
[docs] def flush(self): for packs, instances, batch in self.batcher.flush(): self._process_batch(packs, instances, batch)
@abstractmethod def _process_batch( self, packs: List[PackType], contexts: List[Optional[Annotation]], batched_data: Dict, ): """ Users can implement this function to process the extracted batch data. This is suitable to be implemented if one do not need to add information back to the data pack. Otherwise, It is advised to implement :class:`~forte/processors/base.batch_processor.PackingBatchProcessor` instead of this one since PackingBatchProcessor provides helper functions to re-align the output with the data pack. Args: packs: The list of data packs corresponding to the batch. contexts: The list of context corresponding to the batch. It could contain `None` values, which means the the whole data pack will be used as contexts. batched_data: The data batch to be process. Returns: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Defines the default configs for batching processor.""" return {}
def _prepare_coverage_index(self, input_pack: PackType): """ Build the coverage index for ``input_pack``. After building, querying data in this pack will become more efficient. The index will be built based on the `input_info` field. Args: input_pack: The pack to be built. Returns: """ pass
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def define_batcher(cls) -> ProcessingBatcher: r"""Define a specific batcher for this processor. Single pack :class:`~forte.processors.base.batch_processor.BaseBatchProcessor` initialize the batcher to be a :class:``. And :class:`~forte.processors.base.batch_processor.MultiPackBatchProcessor` initialize the batcher to be a :class:`~forte.processors.base.batch_processor.MultiPackBatchProcessor` . """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PackingBatchProcessor(BaseBatchProcessor[PackType], ABC): """ This class extends the BaseBatchProcessor class and provide additional utilities to align and pack the extracted results back to the data pack. To implement this processor, one need to implement: 1. The `predict` function that make predictions for each input data batch. 2. The `pack` function that add the prediction value back to the data pack. Users that implement the processor only have to concern about a single batch, the alignment between the data batch and the data pack will be maintained by the system. """ def _process_batch( self, packs: List[PackType], contexts: List[Optional[Annotation]], batched_data: Dict, ): """ Implement the function into a prediction and pack step, users don't need to implement this function and should implement `predict` and `pack` instead. Args: packs (List[PackType]): List of data packs each batch comes from. batched_data (Dict): The batched data. contexts (Optional[List[Annotation]]): List of the data contexts where the data comes from. Returns: """ pred = self.predict(batched_data) self.pack_all(packs, contexts, pred)
[docs] def predict(self, data_batch: Dict) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: r"""The function that task processors should implement. Make predictions for the input ``data_batch``. Args: data_batch (dict): A batch of instances in our ``dict`` format. Returns: The prediction results in dictionary form. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pack( self, pack: PackType, predict_results: Dict[str, Any], context: Optional[Annotation] = None, ): r"""The function that task processors should implement. It is the custom function on how to add the predicted output back to the data pack. Args: pack: The pack to add entries or fields to. predict_results: The prediction results returned by :meth:`~forte.processors.base.batch_processor .BaseBatchProcessor.predict`. This processor will add these results to the provided `pack` as entry and attributes. context: The context entry that the prediction is performed, and the pack operation should be performed related to this range annotation. If None, then we consider the whole data pack is used as the context. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pack_all( self, packs: List[PackType], contexts: List[Optional[Annotation]], output_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]], ): r""" Pack the prediction results contained in the `output_dict` back to the corresponding packs. Args: packs: The list of data packs corresponding to the output batches. contexts: The list of contexts corresponding to the output batches. output_dict: Stores the output in a specific format. The keys are string names that specify data. The value is a list of data in the shape of (batch_size, Any). There might be additional structures inside `Any` as specific implementation choices. """ # Group the same pack and context into the same segments. # The list of (pack, context) tuple. pack_context_pool = [] # Store the segments of the pack context, the len of this list should # be the number of segments, and the value indicates the length of # the segment. These will be used to slice the data batch. segment_lengths = [] # Note that this will work if the elements in `contexts` are all # None, which means they are all the same, and will have the correct # behavior. prev_pack_context = None for pack_context_i in zip(packs, contexts): if pack_context_i != prev_pack_context: segment_lengths.append(1) prev_pack_context = pack_context_i pack_context_pool.append(pack_context_i) else: segment_lengths[-1] += 1 start = 0 for i, (pack_i, context) in enumerate(pack_context_pool): # The slice should correspond to the portion of the data batch # that should be assigned to these pack and context. output_dict_i = slice_batch(output_dict, start, segment_lengths[i]) self.pack(pack_i, output_dict_i, context) start += segment_lengths[i] pack_i.add_all_remaining_entries()
[docs]class FixedSizeBatchProcessor(PackingBatchProcessor[DataPack], ABC): """ A processor that implements the packing batch processor, using a fixed size batcher :class:`` """
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Defines the default configs for batching processor.""" return { "batcher": { "batch_size": 4, }, }
[docs]class RequestPackingProcessor(PackingBatchProcessor[DataPack], ABC): """ A processor that implements the packing batch processor, using a variation of the fixed size batcher :class:``, which will use `DataPack.get_data` function with the`context_type` and `requests` parameters. """
[docs] @classmethod def define_batcher(cls) -> ProcessingBatcher: return FixedSizeRequestDataPackBatcher()
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Defines the default configs for batching processor.""" return { "batcher": {"batch_size": 4, "context_type": None, "requests": {}}, }
[docs]class Predictor(PackingBatchProcessor[PackType]): r""" `Predictor` is a special type of batch processor that uses :class:`` to collect features from data packs, and also uses Extractors to write the prediction back. `Predictor` implements the `PackingBatchProcessor` class, and implements the `predict` and `pack` function using the extractors. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.model = None self.do_eval = False self._request: Dict = {} self._request_ready: bool = False self._batcher: Optional[FixedSizeDataPackBatcherWithExtractor] = None
[docs] def add_extractor( self, name: str, extractor: BaseExtractor, is_input: bool, converter: Optional[Converter] = None, ): """ Extractors can be added to the preprocessor directly via this method. Args: name: The name/identifier of this extractor, the name should be different between different extractors. extractor: The extractor instance to be added. is_input: Whether this extractor will be used as input or output. converter: The converter instance to be applied after running the extractor. Returns: None """ extractor_utils.add_extractor( self._request, name, extractor, is_input, converter )
def set_feature_requests(self, request: Dict): self._request = request self._request_ready = True def deactivate_request(self): self._request_ready = False
[docs] @classmethod def define_batcher(cls) -> ProcessingBatcher: return FixedSizeDataPackBatcherWithExtractor()
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "feature_scheme": None, "context_type": None, "batcher": cls.define_batcher().default_configs(), "do_eval": False, }
[docs] def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Config): # Populate the _request. The self._request_ready help avoid parsing # the feature scheme multiple times during `initialize`. if not self._request_ready: for key, value in configs.items(): if key == "feature_scheme": self._request["schemes"] = parse_feature_extractors( configs.feature_scheme ) else: self._request[key] = value self._request_ready = True batcher_config = configs.batcher # Assign context type from here to make sure batcher is using the # same context type as predictor. batcher_context = configs["batcher"].get("context_type", None) if ( batcher_context is None or batcher_context == self._request["context_type"] ): batcher_config.context_type = self._request["context_type"] else: raise ProcessorConfigError( "The 'context_type' configuration value should be the same " "for the processor and the batcher, now for the processor the " f"value is {self._request['context_type']} and for the " f"batcher the value is {batcher_context}. It is also fine if " f"this value for batch config is left empty." ) self.do_eval = configs.do_eval # This needs to be called later since batcher config needs to be loaded. super().initialize(resources, configs) for tag, scheme in self._request["schemes"].items(): # Add input feature to the batcher. if scheme["type"] == extractor_utils.DATA_INPUT: self.batcher.add_feature_scheme(tag, scheme) # type: ignore
def load(self, model): self.model = model
[docs] def pack( self, pack: PackType, predict_results: Dict, context: Optional[Annotation] = None, ): for tag, batched_predictions in predict_results.items(): # preds contains batched results. if self.do_eval: self.__extractor(tag).pre_evaluation_action(pack, context) for prediction in batched_predictions: self.__extractor(tag).add_to_pack(pack, prediction, context) pack.add_all_remaining_entries()
def __extractor(self, tag_name: str): return self._request["schemes"][tag_name]["extractor"]
[docs] def predict(self, data_batch: Dict) -> Dict: r"""The function that task processors should implement. Make predictions for the input ``data_batch``. Args: data_batch: A batch of instances in our ``dict`` format. Returns: The prediction results in dict datasets. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MultiPackBatchProcessor(BaseBatchProcessor[MultiPack], ABC): r"""This class defines the base batch processor for `MultiPack`.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.input_pack_name = None
# TODO multi pack batcher need to be further implemented.