Source code for

# Copyright 2019 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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__all__ = ["LabeledSpanGraphNetwork"]
import math
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict
from forte.utils import create_import_error_msg
from import model_utils as utils
from import SRLSpan, Span

    import torch
    from torch import nn
    from torch.nn import functional as F
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
        create_import_error_msg("torch", "models", "Texar model support")
    ) from e

    import texar.torch as tx
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
            "texar-pytorch", "models", "Texar model support"
    ) from e

[docs]class LabeledSpanGraphNetwork(tx.ModuleBase): @property def output_size(self): """ This module is supposed to be the last layer so we will not return an informative output_size Returns: """ return 0 __torch_device__: torch.device def __init__( self, word_vocab:, char_vocab:, hparams=None ): super().__init__(hparams) # Word vocabulary & representation self.word_vocab = word_vocab self.word_embed = tx.modules.WordEmbedder( vocab=self.word_vocab.token_to_id_map_py, hparams={ "file": self._hparams.context_embeddings.path, "dim": self._hparams.context_embeddings.size, "read_fn": "load_glove", }, ).word_vecs ) self.head_embed = tx.modules.WordEmbedder( vocab=self.word_vocab.token_to_id_map_py, hparams={ "file": self._hparams.head_embeddings.path, "dim": self._hparams.head_embeddings.size, "read_fn": "load_glove", }, ).word_vecs ) self.span_length_embed = tx.modules.PositionEmbedder( position_size=self._hparams.max_arg_width, hparams={ "dim": self._hparams.feature_size, }, ) # Character vocabulary & representation self.char_cnn = utils.CharCNN( char_vocab=char_vocab, hparams={ "char_embed_size": self._hparams.char_embedding_size, "filter_widths": self._hparams.filter_widths, "filter_size": self._hparams.filter_size, }, ) self.embed_dropout = nn.Dropout(self._hparams.lexical_dropout_rate) # ELMo representation if self._hparams.elmo.path is not None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from allennlp.modules.elmo import Elmo, batch_to_ids elmo_hparams = self._hparams.elmo self.elmo = Elmo( options_file=elmo_hparams.config, weight_file=elmo_hparams.path, num_output_representations=1, ) self._elmo_char_ids_fn = batch_to_ids else: self.elmo = None # LSTM single_hidden_dim = self._hparams.contextualization_size lstm_input_dim = self.word_embed.dim + self.char_cnn.output_size if self.elmo is not None: lstm_input_dim += self._hparams.elmo.dim self.lstm = utils.CustomBiLSTM( hparams={ "input_dim": lstm_input_dim, "hidden_dim": single_hidden_dim, "num_layers": self._hparams.contextualization_layers, "dropout": self._hparams.lstm_dropout_rate, } ) hidden_dim = single_hidden_dim * 2 self.label_vocab = { label: idx + 1 # reserve index 0 for null label for idx, label in enumerate(self._hparams.srl_labels) } self.label_inverse_vocab = {v: k for k, v in self.label_vocab.items()} self.head_attention = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 1) word_input_dim = self.word_embed.dim + self.char_cnn.output_size mlp_num_layers = self._hparams.ffnn_depth mlp_hparams = { "input_sizes": [ hidden_dim, # concat'd state at start of span hidden_dim, # concat'd state at end of span word_input_dim, self.span_length_embed.dim, ], "num_layers": mlp_num_layers, "hidden_size": [self._hparams.ffnn_size] * mlp_num_layers, "dropout_rate": self._hparams.dropout_rate, } self.argument_mlp = utils.ConcatInputMLP( hparams={ **mlp_hparams, "output_size": 1, "activation": "ReLU", } ) self.predicate_mlp = utils.ConcatInputMLP( hparams={ **mlp_hparams, "input_sizes": [hidden_dim], "output_size": 1, "activation": "ReLU", } ) self.span_label_mlp = utils.ConcatInputMLP( hparams={ **mlp_hparams, "input_sizes": mlp_hparams["input_sizes"] + [hidden_dim], "output_size": len(self.label_vocab), "activation": "ReLU", } )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_hparams() -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "filter_widths": [3, 4, 5], "filter_size": 50, "char_embedding_size": 8, "context_embeddings": { "path": "embeddings/glove.840B.300d.05.filtered", "size": 300, "datasets": "txt", "lowercase": False, }, "head_embeddings": { "path": "embeddings/glove_50_300_2.filtered", # "path": "embeddings/glove_50_300_2.txt", "size": 300, "datasets": "txt", "lowercase": False, }, "elmo": { "path": None, "config": None, "dim": 256, }, "contextualizer": "lstm", "contextualization_size": 200, "contextualization_layers": 3, "ffnn_size": 150, "ffnn_depth": 2, "feature_size": 20, "max_span_width": 30, "model_heads": True, "num_attention_heads": 1, "srl_labels": [ # predicate "V", # simple propositions "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "AA", "AM", "AM-ADV", "AM-CAU", "AM-DIR", "AM-DIS", "AM-EXT", "AM-LOC", "AM-MNR", "AM-MOD", "AM-NEG", "AM-PNC", "AM-PRD", "AM-REC", "AM-TM", "AM-TMP", # propositions with coreferenced arguments "C-A0", "C-A1", "C-A2", "C-A3", "C-A4", "C-A5", "C-AM-ADV", "C-AM-CAU", "C-AM-DIR", "C-AM-DIS", "C-AM-EXT", "C-AM-LOC", "C-AM-MNR", "C-AM-NEG", "C-AM-PNC", "C-AM-TMP", "C-V", # propositions with discontinuous argument "R-A0", "R-A1", "R-A2", "R-A3", "R-A4", "R-AA", "R-AM-ADV", "R-AM-CAU", "R-AM-DIR", "R-AM-EXT", "R-AM-LOC", "R-AM-MNR", "R-AM-PNC", "R-AM-TMP", ], "max_arg_width": 30, "argument_ratio": 0.8, "predicate_ratio": 0.4, "lexical_dropout_rate": 0.5, "dropout_rate": 0.2, "lstm_dropout_rate": 0.4, }
@property def _device(self) -> torch.device: if not hasattr(self, "__torch_device__"): self.__torch_device__ = next(self.parameters()).device return self.__torch_device__ def _create_span_indices( self, batch_size: int, max_len: int, max_span: int ) -> Tuple[torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor]: start_ids = torch.arange(0, max_len).repeat_interleave(max_span) end_ids = start_ids + torch.arange(0, max_span).repeat(max_len) valid_mask = end_ids < max_len start_ids, end_ids = start_ids[valid_mask], end_ids[valid_mask] span_length = end_ids - start_ids start_ids = start_ids.expand(batch_size, *start_ids.size()).to( device=self._device ) end_ids = end_ids.expand_as(start_ids).to(device=self._device) span_length = span_length.expand_as(start_ids).to(device=self._device) return start_ids, end_ids, span_length @staticmethod def _set_submatrix(mat: torch.Tensor, x: int, y: int, value: torch.Tensor): mat[x : (x + value.size(0)), y : (y + value.size(1))] = value def _create_softmax_mask( self, batch_size: int, max_len: int, max_span: int ) -> torch.ByteTensor: # 1 + 2 + ... + max_span + max_span + ... (total max_len terms) total_lines = (1 + min(max_span, max_len)) * min(max_span, max_len) // 2 if max_len > max_span: total_lines += (max_len - max_span) * max_span lower_tri = torch.tril( torch.ones(max_span, max_span, dtype=torch.uint8) ) mask = torch.zeros(total_lines, max_len, dtype=torch.uint8) line_count = 0 for idx in range(max_len): if max_len - idx < max_span: cur_mask = lower_tri[: (max_len - idx), : (max_len - idx)] else: cur_mask = lower_tri self._set_submatrix(mask, line_count, idx, cur_mask) line_count += cur_mask.size(0) mask = mask.expand(batch_size, total_lines, max_len) return def _filter_labels( self, start_ids: torch.LongTensor, end_ids: torch.LongTensor, predicates: torch.LongTensor, srls: List[List[SRLSpan]], ) -> torch.LongTensor: batch_size, num_spans = start_ids.size() num_predicates = predicates.size(1) device = start_ids.device start_ids = start_ids.cpu().numpy() end_ids = end_ids.cpu().numpy() predicates = predicates.cpu().numpy() batch_predicates = [ {pred: idx for idx, pred in enumerate(preds)} for preds in predicates ] batch_spans = [ {(l, r): idx for idx, (l, r) in enumerate(zip(starts, ends))} for starts, ends in zip(start_ids, end_ids) ] gold_labels = torch.zeros( batch_size, num_predicates * num_spans, dtype=torch.long ) for b_idx in range(batch_size): for srl in srls[b_idx]: span_idx = batch_spans[b_idx].get((srl.start, srl.end), None) predicate_idx = batch_predicates[b_idx].get(srl.predicate, None) if span_idx is not None and predicate_idx is not None: label_idx = predicate_idx * num_spans + span_idx gold_labels[b_idx, label_idx] = self.label_vocab[srl.label] gold_labels = return gold_labels def _compute_soft_head_attention_brute( self, start_ids: torch.LongTensor, end_ids: torch.LongTensor, sent_lengths: torch.LongTensor, states: torch.Tensor, word_inputs: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor]: device = start_ids.device batch_size, max_len = states.size()[:2] num_spans = start_ids.size(1) max_span_width = self._hparams.max_span_width batch_offset = torch.arange(batch_size, device=device) * max_len span_indices = torch.arange(max_span_width, device=device) # span_indices: (batch_size, num_spans, max_span_width) span_indices = ( span_indices.expand(batch_size, num_spans, -1) + start_ids.unsqueeze(-1) + batch_offset.view(-1, 1, 1) ) # valid_spans: (batch_size, num_spans) valid_spans = end_ids < sent_lengths.unsqueeze(-1) # valid_spans_idx: (total_spans) valid_spans_idx = valid_spans.view(-1).nonzero().view(-1) # flat_span_indices: (total_spans, max_span_width) flat_span_indices = torch.index_select( span_indices.view(-1, max_span_width), dim=0, index=valid_spans_idx ) # flat_sent_lengths: (total_spans) flat_sent_lengths = torch.index_select( ( torch.min(end_ids + 1, sent_lengths.unsqueeze(-1)) + batch_offset.unsqueeze(-1) ).view(-1), dim=0, index=valid_spans_idx, ) # flat_mask: (total_spans, max_span_width) flat_mask = flat_span_indices < flat_sent_lengths.unsqueeze(-1) flat_span_indices *= flat_mask.type_as(flat_span_indices) # span_word_inputs: (total_spans, max_span_width, word_input_dim) span_word_inputs = torch.index_select( word_inputs.view(-1, word_inputs.size(-1)), dim=0, index=flat_span_indices.view(-1), ).view(*flat_span_indices.size(), -1) # logits: (batch_size, max_len) logits = self.head_attention(states).squeeze(-1) # flat_span_logits: (total_spans, max_span_width) flat_span_logits = torch.index_select( logits.view(-1), dim=0, index=flat_span_indices.view(-1) ).view(flat_span_indices.size()) masked_span_logits = flat_span_logits - 1e10 * (~flat_mask).type_as( flat_span_logits ) weights = torch.softmax(masked_span_logits, dim=-1) # weighted_inputs: (total_spans, max_span_width, word_input_dim) weighted_inputs = span_word_inputs * weights.unsqueeze(-1) # soft_head: (total_spans, word_input_dim) soft_head = torch.sum(weighted_inputs, dim=1) # indices: (batch_size, num_spans) indices = torch.cumsum(valid_spans.view(-1).type(torch.long), dim=0) - 1 indices = torch.clamp_min(indices, 0).view_as(valid_spans) return soft_head, indices
[docs] class ReturnType(TypedDict): loss: torch.Tensor total_scores: torch.Tensor start_ids: torch.LongTensor end_ids: torch.LongTensor predicates: torch.LongTensor
def _arange(self, *args, **kwargs): return torch.arange(*args, device=self._device, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs: -> ReturnType: # Compute embeddings and recurrent states. char_embed = self.char_cnn(inputs.text) with torch.no_grad(): # A workaround for freezing embeddings. word_embed = self.word_embed(inputs.text_ids) head_embed = self.head_embed(inputs.text_ids) context_embeds = [word_embed, char_embed] head_embeds = [head_embed, char_embed] if self.elmo is not None: char_ids = self._elmo_char_ids_fn(inputs.text).to(self._device) elmo_embed = self.elmo(char_ids)["elmo_representations"][0] context_embeds.append(elmo_embed) # *word_inputs: (batch_size, max_len, word_input_dim) lstm_word_inputs = self.embed_dropout(, dim=-1)) word_inputs = self.embed_dropout(, dim=-1)) # states: (batch_size, max_len, hidden_dim) states = self.lstm(lstm_word_inputs, inputs.length) # Create span indices. batch_size, max_len = inputs.text_ids.size() max_span = self._hparams.max_span_width # *_ids: (batch_size, max_num_spans) # max_num_spans ~= max_len * max_span start_ids, end_ids, span_length = self._create_span_indices( batch_size, max_len, max_span ) # Create soft head representation weights. # head_attn_cache, head_attn_index = self._compute_soft_head_attention( ( head_attn_cache, head_attn_index, ) = self._compute_soft_head_attention_brute( start_ids, end_ids, inputs.length, states, word_inputs ) # Compute argument & predicate scores. span_length_embed = self.embed_dropout(self.span_length_embed.embedding) cache_inputs = [states, states, head_attn_cache, span_length_embed] pred_indices = self._arange(max_len).expand(batch_size, -1) with self.argument_mlp.cache_results( cache_inputs ), self.predicate_mlp.cache_results([states]): # arg_scores: (batch_size, max_num_spans) arg_scores = self.argument_mlp( [start_ids, end_ids, head_attn_index, span_length] ).squeeze(-1) # pred_scores: (batch_size, max_len) pred_scores = self.predicate_mlp([pred_indices]).squeeze(-1) # Beam pruning of arguments & predicates. # topk_*: (batch_size, max_arguments) max_arguments = math.ceil(self._hparams.argument_ratio * max_len) num_arguments = torch.ceil( self._hparams.argument_ratio * inputs.length.float() ).long() topk_arg_scores, topk_arg_indices = torch.topk( arg_scores, k=max_arguments, dim=1, sorted=True ) topk_start_ids, topk_end_ids, topk_attn_index = utils.batch_gather( [start_ids, end_ids, head_attn_index], index=topk_arg_indices ) topk_span_length = topk_end_ids - topk_start_ids # topk_pred_*: (batch_size, max_predicates) max_predicates = math.ceil(self._hparams.predicate_ratio * max_len) num_predicates = torch.ceil( self._hparams.predicate_ratio * inputs.length.float() ).long() topk_pred_scores, topk_pred_indices = torch.topk( pred_scores, k=max_predicates, dim=1, sorted=True ) # Compute label scores for pruned argument-predicate pairs. with self.span_label_mlp.cache_results(cache_inputs + [states]): # label_scores: # (batch_size, max_predicates * max_arguments, num_labels) label_scores = self.span_label_mlp( [ topk_start_ids.repeat(1, max_predicates), topk_end_ids.repeat(1, max_predicates), tx.utils.map_structure( lambda x: x.repeat(1, max_predicates) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else x, topk_attn_index, ), topk_span_length.repeat(1, max_predicates), topk_pred_indices.repeat_interleave(max_arguments, dim=1), ] ) # Compute log-probabilities. total_scores = ( topk_arg_scores.repeat(1, max_predicates).unsqueeze(-1) + topk_pred_scores.repeat_interleave( max_arguments, dim=1 ).unsqueeze(-1) + label_scores ) total_scores = [ total_scores.new_zeros(*total_scores.size()[:-1], 1), total_scores, ], dim=-1, ) gold_labels = self._filter_labels( topk_start_ids, topk_end_ids, topk_pred_indices, ) # Compute masked loss. # unmasked_loss: (batch_size, max_predicates * max_arguments) unmasked_loss = F.cross_entropy( total_scores.view(-1, total_scores.size(-1)), gold_labels.view(-1), reduction="none", ) # pred_*_mask: (batch_size, max_predicates) pred_index_mask = topk_pred_indices < inputs.length.unsqueeze(-1) pred_topk_mask = self._arange(max_predicates).unsqueeze( 0 ) < num_predicates.unsqueeze(1) # arg_*_mask: (batch_size, max_arguments) arg_index_mask = topk_end_ids < inputs.length.unsqueeze(-1) arg_topk_mask = self._arange(max_arguments).unsqueeze( 0 ) < num_arguments.unsqueeze(1) loss_mask = ( (arg_index_mask & arg_topk_mask).unsqueeze(1) & (pred_index_mask & pred_topk_mask).unsqueeze(2) ).view(-1) loss = torch.sum(unmasked_loss * loss_mask.type_as(unmasked_loss)) # loss = loss / batch_size return { "loss": loss, "total_scores": total_scores, "start_ids": topk_start_ids, "end_ids": topk_end_ids, "predicates": topk_pred_indices, }
_CORE_ARGS = { f"{prefix}{arg}": 1 << idx for prefix in ["A", "ARG"] for idx, arg in enumerate("012345A") } def _dp_decode( self, max_len: int, pred_idx: int, start_ids: List[int], end_ids: List[int], argmax_labels: List[int], label_scores: List[float], enforce_constraint: bool = False, ) -> List[Span]: # Map positions to list of span indices for quick lookup during DP. spans_ending_at: Dict[int, List[int]] = defaultdict(list) for idx in range( # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate len(end_ids) ): if argmax_labels[idx] == 0: # ignore null spans continue if start_ids[idx] <= pred_idx <= end_ids[idx]: # Skip spans overlapping with the predicate. continue if end_ids[idx] >= max_len: # Skip invalid spans longer than the sentence. continue spans_ending_at[end_ids[idx]].append(idx) if all(len(spans) == 0 for spans in spans_ending_at.values()): return [] # no spans at all, just return if enforce_constraint: label_states = [ self._CORE_ARGS.get(self.label_inverse_vocab[label], -1) if label != 0 else -1 for label in argmax_labels ] else: # ignore constraints label_states = [-1] * len(argmax_labels) # Perform DP. # Each state is a tuple (time, core_args), where `core_args` is the set # of core arguments (ARGA, ARG0 to ARG5) previously selected, # represented in binary (so {ARG0, ARG2, ARG5} would be # 2^0 + 2^2 + 2^5 = 37). max_scores = [{0: 0.0}] # only record selected spans best_span_indices: List[Dict[int, int]] = [{}] for idx in range(max_len): cur_scores = max_scores[-1].copy() cur_span_idx = {} for span_idx in spans_ending_at[idx]: label_state = label_states[span_idx] prev_states = max_scores[start_ids[span_idx]] for state, prev_score in prev_states.items(): if label_state != -1 and (label_state & state != 0): # A core argument of this type has already been selected continue score = prev_score + label_scores[span_idx] new_state = state | label_state if score > cur_scores.get(new_state, 0): cur_scores[new_state] = score cur_span_idx[new_state] = span_idx max_scores.append(cur_scores) best_span_indices.append(cur_span_idx) # Backtrack to obtain optimal span choices. srl = [] pos = max_len state = max( (score, state) for state, score in max_scores[max_len].items() )[1] while pos > 0: best_span_idx = best_span_indices[pos].get(state, None) if best_span_idx is not None: assert end_ids[best_span_idx] == pos - 1 srl.append( Span( start_ids[best_span_idx], end_ids[best_span_idx], self.label_inverse_vocab[argmax_labels[best_span_idx]], ) ) pos = start_ids[best_span_idx] if label_states[best_span_idx] != -1: state &= ~label_states[best_span_idx] else: pos -= 1 return srl
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def decode( self, inputs:, enforce_constraint: bool = False ) -> List[Dict[int, List[Span]]]: r"""Performs optimal decoding with dynamic programming. :returns: A nested structure of SRL spans, representing the (inner) list of spans for each predicate (middle `dict`) and for each example in the batch (outer list). """ result_dict = self.forward(inputs) start_ids = result_dict["start_ids"].cpu().numpy() end_ids = result_dict["end_ids"].cpu().numpy() predicates = result_dict["predicates"].cpu().numpy() batch_size, num_arguments = start_ids.shape num_predicates = predicates.shape[1] total_scores = result_dict["total_scores"].view( batch_size, num_predicates, num_arguments, -1 ) label_scores, argmax_label = torch.max(total_scores, dim=3) argmax_label = argmax_label.cpu().numpy() label_scores = label_scores.cpu().numpy() sent_lengths = inputs.length.cpu().numpy() # Do DP one example at a time... batch_srl = [] for b_idx in range(batch_size): cur_srl: Dict[int, List[Span]] = {} # ... and one predicate at a time. for pred_idx, predicate in enumerate(predicates[b_idx]): if predicate >= inputs.length[b_idx]: # Skip invalid predicates outside the sentence. continue srl = self._dp_decode( sent_lengths[b_idx], predicate, start_ids[b_idx], end_ids[b_idx], argmax_label[b_idx, pred_idx], label_scores[b_idx, pred_idx], enforce_constraint, ) if len(srl) > 0: cur_srl[predicate] = srl batch_srl.append(cur_srl) return batch_srl