Source code for forte.evaluation.ner_evaluator

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"""Evaluator for Conll03 NER tag."""
import os
from typing import Dict
from pathlib import Path

from ft.onto.base_ontology import Sentence
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from forte.common.resources import Resources
from import DataPack
from forte.evaluation.base import Evaluator
from forte.utils import get_class
from forte.datasets.conll.conll_utils import write_tokens_to_file

[docs]class CoNLLNEREvaluator(Evaluator): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.output_file = "tmp_eval.txt" self.score_file = "tmp_eval.score" self.scores: Dict[str, float] = {} if os.path.isfile(self.output_file): os.remove(self.output_file)
[docs] def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Config): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,unused-argument r"""Initialize the evaluator with `resources` and `configs`. This method is called by the pipeline during the initialization. Args: resources: An object of class :class:`~forte.common.Resources` that holds references to objects that can be shared throughout the pipeline. configs: A configuration to initialize the evaluator. This evaluator is expected to hold the following (key, value) pairs - `"entry_type"` (str): The entry to be evaluated. - `"tagging_unit"` (str): The tagging unit that the evaluation is performed on. e.g. `"ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence"` - `"attribute"` (str): The attribute of the entry to be evaluated. """ super().initialize(resources, configs) self.entry_type = get_class(configs.entry_type) self.tagging_unit = get_class(configs.tagging_unit) self.attribute = configs.attribute self.__eval_script = configs.eval_script
[docs] @classmethod def default_configs(cls): config = super().default_configs() config.update( { "entry_type": None, "tagging_unit": None, "attribute": "", "eval_script": str( Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parents[1] / "utils/eval_scripts/conll03eval.v2" ), } ) return config
[docs] def consume_next(self, pred_pack: DataPack, ref_pack: DataPack): refer_getdata_args = { "context_type": Sentence, "request": { self.tagging_unit: {"fields": ["ner"]}, self.entry_type: { "fields": [self.attribute], }, }, } write_tokens_to_file( pred_pack, ref_pack, refer_getdata_args, self.tagging_unit, self.entry_type, self.attribute, self.output_file, )
[docs] def get_result(self) -> Dict: eval_call = ( f"perl {self.__eval_script} < {self.output_file} > " f"{self.score_file}" ) call_return = os.system(eval_call) if call_return == 0: with open(self.score_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fin: fin.readline() line = fin.readline() fields = line.split(";") acc = float(fields[0].split(":")[1].strip()[:-1]) precision = float(fields[1].split(":")[1].strip()[:-1]) recall = float(fields[2].split(":")[1].strip()[:-1]) f_1 = float(fields[3].split(":")[1].strip()) self.scores = { "accuracy": acc, "precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1": f_1, } return self.scores else: raise RuntimeError( f"Error running eval script, return code is {call_return} " f"when running the command {eval_call}" )