Source code for

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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The reader that reads CoNLL-U Standard Universal Dependency Format -
into data_pack format
from typing import Iterator, Dict, Tuple, Any

from ft.onto.base_ontology import (

from import dataset_path_iterator
from import DataPack
from import PackReader

__all__ = ["ConllUDReader"]

[docs]class ConllUDReader(PackReader): r""":class:`` is designed to read in the Universal Dependencies 2.4 dataset. """ def _cache_key_function(self, data_pack: Any) -> str: if data_pack.pack_name is None: raise ValueError("data_pack does not have a document id") return data_pack.pack_name def _collect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Any]: # pylint: disable = unused-argument r"""Iterator over conll files in the data_source. Args: args: args[0] is the directory to the conllu files. kwargs: Returns: data packs obtained from each document from each conllu file. """ conll_dir_path = args[0] file_paths = dataset_path_iterator(conll_dir_path, "conllu") for file_path in file_paths: with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: lines = file.readlines() doc_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): # previous document ends doc_lines.append(line) if i == len(lines) - 1 or lines[i + 1].strip().startswith( "# newdoc" ): yield doc_lines doc_lines = [] def _parse_pack(self, doc_lines) -> Iterator[DataPack]: token_comp_fields = [ "id", "form", "lemma", "pos", "ud_xpos", "ud_features", "head", "label", "enhanced_dependency_relations", "ud_misc", ] token_multi_fields = [ "ud_features", "ud_misc", "enhanced_dependency_relations", ] token_feature_fields = ["ud_features", "ud_misc"] data_pack: DataPack = DataPack() doc_sent_begin: int = 0 doc_num_sent: int = 0 doc_text: str = "" doc_offset: int = 0 doc_id: str sent_text: str sent_tokens: Dict[str, Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Token]] = {} for line in doc_lines: line = line.strip() line_comps = line.split() if line.startswith("# newdoc"): doc_id = line.split("=")[1].strip() elif line.startswith("# sent"): sent_text = "" elif len(line_comps) > 0 and line_comps[0].strip().isdigit(): # token token_comps: Dict[str, Any] = {} for index, key in enumerate(token_comp_fields): token_comps[key] = str(line_comps[index]) if key in token_multi_fields: values = ( str(token_comps[key]).split("|") if token_comps[key] != "_" else [] ) if key not in token_feature_fields: token_comps[key] = values else: feature_lst = [ elem.split("=", 1) for elem in values ] feature_dict = { elem[0]: elem[1] for elem in feature_lst } token_comps[key] = feature_dict word: str = token_comps["form"] word_begin = doc_offset word_end = doc_offset + len(word) # add token token: Token = Token(data_pack, word_begin, word_end) token.lemma = token_comps["lemma"] token.pos = token_comps["pos"] token.ud_xpos = token_comps["ud_xpos"] token.ud_features = token_comps["ud_features"] token.ud_misc = token_comps["ud_misc"] sent_tokens[str(token_comps["id"])] = (token_comps, token) sent_text += word + " " doc_offset = word_end + 1 elif line == "": # sentence ends sent_text = sent_text.strip() doc_text += " " + sent_text # add dependencies for a sentence when all the tokens have been # added for _, (token_comps, token) in sent_tokens.items(): # add primary dependency label = token_comps["label"] if label == "root": token.is_root = True else: token.is_root = False head = sent_tokens[token_comps["head"]][1] dependency = Dependency(data_pack, head, token) dependency.dep_label = label # add enhanced dependencies for dep in token_comps["enhanced_dependency_relations"]: head_id, label = dep.split(":", 1) if label != "root": head = sent_tokens[head_id][1] enhanced_dependency = EnhancedDependency( data_pack, head, token ) enhanced_dependency.dep_label = label # add sentence Sentence(data_pack, doc_sent_begin, doc_offset - 1) doc_sent_begin = doc_offset doc_num_sent += 1 doc_text = doc_text.strip() data_pack.set_text(doc_text) # add doc to data_pack Document(data_pack, 0, len(doc_text)) data_pack.pack_name = doc_id yield data_pack