Source code for

#  Copyright 2020 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Optional, Union, Dict, Sequence

import numpy as np

from forte.utils import create_import_error_msg
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from forte.common import ValidationError
from import Feature
from import MatrixLike

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["Converter"]

[docs]class Converter: """ This class has the functionality of converting a batch of :class:`` to a `MatrixLike` type which can be a Numpy array, a PyTorch `Tensor`, or a nested list. It can also perform padding for the given batch of :class:`` if user requested it. Please refer to the `request` parameter in :class:`~forte.train_preprocessor.TrainPreprocessor` for details. Args: config: An instance of `Dict` or :class:`~forte.common.configuration.Config` that provides all configurable options. See :meth:`default_configs` for available options and default values. """ def __init__(self, config: Union[Dict, Config] = None): self._config = Config( config, default_hparams=self.default_configs(), allow_new_hparam=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_configs(): """ Returns a dictionary of default hyper-parameters. .. code-block:: python { "to_numpy": True, "to_torch": True } Here: - `"to_numpy"`: bool Whether convert to `numpy.ndarray`. Default is True. - `"to_torch"`: bool Whether convert to `torch.tensor`. Default is True. .. note:: If `need_pad` in :class:`` is False and `to_numpy` and `to_torch` is True, it will raise an exception if the target data cannot be converted to `numpy.ndarray` or `torch.tensor`. .. note:: If `need_pad` in :class:`` is True and `to_torch` is True, `to_torch` will overwrite the effect of `to_numpy`. """ return {"to_numpy": True, "to_torch": True}
@property def to_numpy(self) -> bool: return self._config.to_numpy @property def to_torch(self) -> bool: return self._config.to_torch @property def state(self) -> Dict: return {"to_numpy": self.to_numpy, "to_torch": self.to_torch} def load_state(self, state: Dict): self._config.to_numpy = state["to_numpy"] self._config.to_torch = state["to_torch"]
[docs] def convert( self, features: List[Feature] ) -> Tuple[MatrixLike, Sequence[MatrixLike]]: """ Convert a list of Features to matrix-like form, where 1. The outer most dimension will always be the batch dimension (i.e `len(output) = len(feature_num)`). 2. The type can be: 2.1 A `List` of primitive `int` or another `List` 2.2 A `numpy.ndarray` 2.3 A `torch.Tensor` If `need_pad` in :class:`` is True, it will pad all features with given `pad_value` stored inside :class:``. If `to_numpy` is True, it will try to convert data into `numpy.ndarray`. If `to_torch` is True, it will try to convert data into `torch.tensor`. Args: features: A list of :class:`` Returns: A `Tuple` containing two elements. 1. The first element is either a `MatrixLike` type representing the batch of data. 2. The second element is a `MatrixLike` type representing masks along different feature dimensions. Example 1: .. code-block:: python data = [[1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7,8,9]] meta_data = { "pad_value": 0, "need_pad": True, "dim": 1 "dtype": np.long } features = [Feature(i, meta_data=meta_data) for i in data] converter = Converter(to_numpy=True, to_torch=False) output_data, masks = converter.convert(features) # output_data is: # np.array([[1,2,3,0], [4,5,0,0], [6,7,8,9]], dtype=np.long) # masks is: # [ # np.array([[1,1,1,0], [1,1,0,0], [1,1,1,1]], # dtype=np.bool) # ] Example 2: .. code-block:: python data = [[[1,2,3], [4,5]], [[3]]] meta_data = { "pad_value": 0, "need_pad": True, "dim": 2 "dtype": np.long } features = [Feature(i, meta_data=meta_data) for i in data] converter = Converter(to_numpy=True, to_torch=False) output_data, masks = converter.convert(features) # output_data is: # np.array([[[1,2,3], [4,5,0]], [[3,0,0], [0,0,0]]], # dtype=np.long) # masks is: # [ # np.array([[1,1], [1,0]], dtype=np.bool), # np.array([[[1,1,1], [1,1,0]], # [[1,0,0], [0,0,0]]], dtype=np.bool) # ] Example 3: .. code-block:: python data = [[1,2,3,0], [4,5,0,0], [6,7,8,9]] meta_data = { "pad_value": 0 "need_pad": False, "dim": 1 "dtype": np.long } features = [Feature(i, meta_data=meta_data) for i in data] converter = Converter(need_pad=False) output_data, _ = converter.convert(features) # output_data is: # torch.tensor([[1,2,3,0], [4,5,0,0], [6,7,8,9]], dtype=torch.long) Example 4: .. code-block:: python data = [[1,2,3], [4,5], [6,7,8,9]] meta_data = { "pad_value": 0, "need_pad": True, "dim": 1 "dtype": np.long } features = [Feature(i, meta_data=meta_data) for i in data] converter = Converter(to_torch=True) output_data, masks = converter.convert(features) # output_data is: # torch.tensor([[1,2,3,0], [4,5,0,0], [6,7,8,9]], dtype=torch.long) # masks is: # [ # torch.tensor([[1,1,1,0], [1,1,0,0], [1,1,1,1]], # dtype=np.bool) # ] """ if self.to_torch: try: import torch # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( create_import_error_msg("torch", "extractor", "data module") ) from e dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None need_pad: bool = features[0].need_pad if need_pad and self.to_torch and not self.to_numpy: logger.warning( "need_pad is True and to_torch is True, " "setting to_numpy to False will be ignored." ) # Do padding if needed. if need_pad: dtype = self._padding(features) # Collect a batch of data & masks from Features data_list: List[List[Any]] = [] # batch_masks_per_example: # (feature_num, feature_dim, feature_mask1, [feature_mask2, ...]) masks_per_example_list: List[List[Any]] = [] for feature in features: padded_feature, mask_list = data_list.append(padded_feature) masks_per_example_list.append(mask_list) # Switch the two outer most dimensions # batch_list: # (feature_dim, feature_num, feature_mask1, [feature_mask2, ...]) masks_list: List[List[Any]] = [] for i in range(features[0].dim): curr_dim_masks = [] for mask in masks_per_example_list: curr_dim_masks.append(mask[i]) masks_list.append(curr_dim_masks) # Convert to target type if not self.to_numpy and not self.to_torch: return data_list, masks_list # Note: to_torch == True overwrite to_numpy option if self.to_torch: data_tensor: torch.Tensor = self._to_tensor_type(data_list, dtype) masks_tensor_list: List[torch.Tensor] = [] for batch_masks_dim_i in masks_list: masks_tensor_list.append( self._to_tensor_type(batch_masks_dim_i, np.bool) ) return data_tensor, masks_tensor_list if self.to_numpy: data_np: np.ndarray = self._to_numpy_type(data_list, dtype) masks_np_list: List[np.ndarray] = [] for batch_masks_dim_i in masks_list: masks_np_list.append( self._to_numpy_type(batch_masks_dim_i, np.bool) ) return data_np, masks_np_list # Control should not reach here raise RuntimeError("Invalid converter internal state")
@staticmethod def _padding(features: List[Feature]): try: import torch # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( create_import_error_msg( "torch", "extractor", "the extractor system" ) ) from e # BFS to pad each dimension queue: List[Feature] = [] curr_max_len: int = -1 dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None for feature in features: if not dtype: dtype = feature.dtype else: if dtype != feature.dtype: raise ValidationError( "The dtype should be same within a batch of Features" ) if not feature.need_pad: raise ValidationError( "Inconsistent need pad flag for a batch of Features" ) queue.append(feature) curr_max_len = max(curr_max_len, len(feature)) while len(queue) > 0: size: int = len(queue) next_max_len = -1 while size > 0: feature = queue.pop(0) feature.pad(curr_max_len) if not feature.leaf_feature: for sub_feature in feature.sub_features: next_max_len = max(next_max_len, len(sub_feature)) queue.append(sub_feature) size -= 1 curr_max_len = next_max_len return dtype @staticmethod def _to_numpy_type(data: List[Any], dtype) -> np.ndarray: return np.array(data, dtype=dtype) @staticmethod def _to_tensor_type(data: List[Any], dtype): try: import torch # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( create_import_error_msg("torch", "extractor", "data module") ) from e return torch.tensor(data, dtype=dtype)