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# Copyright 2019 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple, Any, Optional, Dict
import json

__all__ = ["BaseStore"]

[docs]class BaseStore: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods r"""The base class which will be used by :class:``.""" def __init__(self): r""" This is a base class for the efficient underlying data structure. A current implementation of ``BaseStore`` is ``DataStore``. A ``BaseStore`` contains a collection of Forte entries. Each entry type contains some subtypes, which could have various fields stored in entry lists. """ def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() return state
[docs] def serialize( self, output_path: str, serialize_method: str = "json", save_attribute: bool = True, indent: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Serializes the data store to the provided path. The output of this function depends on the serialization method chosen. Args: output_path: The path to write data to. serialize_method: The method used to serialize the data. Currently supports `json` (outputs json dictionary). save_attribute: Boolean value indicating whether users want to save attributes for field checks later during deserialization. Attributes and their indices for every entry type will be saved. indent: Whether to indent the file if written as JSON. Returns: Results of serialization. """ if serialize_method == "json": with open(output_path, mode="wt", encoding="utf-8") as json_out: json_out.write( self.to_string(serialize_method, save_attribute, indent) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unsupported serialization method {serialize_method}" )
[docs] def to_string( self, json_method: str = "json", save_attribute: bool = True, indent: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """ Return the string representation (json encoded) of this method. Args: json_method: What method is used to convert data pack to json. Only supports `json` for now. Default value is `json`. save_attribute: Boolean value indicating whether users want to save attributes for field checks later during deserialization. Attributes and their indices for every entry type will be saved. Returns: String representation of the data pack. """ if json_method == "json": state = self.__getstate__() if not save_attribute: state.pop("fields") return json.dumps(state, indent=indent) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported JSON method {json_method}.")
@classmethod def _deserialize( cls, data_source: str, serialize_method: str = "json", ) -> Dict: """ This function should deserialize a data store from a string. Args: data_source: The data path containing data store. The content of the data could be string or bytes depending on the method of serialization. serialize_method: The method used to serialize the data, this should be the same as how serialization is done. The current option is `json`。 Returns: The state of the data store object deserialized from the data. """ if serialize_method == "json": with open(data_source, mode="rt", encoding="utf8") as f: state = json.loads( return state else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unsupported deserialization method {serialize_method}" )
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_entry_raw( self, type_name: str, tid: Optional[int] = None, allow_duplicate: bool = True, attribute_data: Optional[List] = None, ) -> int: r""" This function provides a general implementation to add all types of entries to the data store. It can add namely Annotation, AudioAnnotation, ImageAnnotation, Link, Group and Generics. Returns the ``tid`` for the inserted entry. Args: type_name: The fully qualified type name of the new Entry. tid: ``tid`` of the Entry that is being added. It's optional, and it will be auto-assigned if not given. allow_duplicate: Whether we allow duplicate in the DataStore. When it's set to False, the function will return the ``tid`` of existing entry if a duplicate is found. Default value is True. attribute_data: It is a `list` that stores attributes relevant to the entry being added. The attributes passed in `attributes_data` must be present in that entries `type_attributes` and must only be those entries which are relevant to the initialization of the entry. For example, begin and end position when creating an entry of type :class:``. Returns: ``tid`` of the entry. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_entries(self, entry_type_name: str) -> Iterator[List]: """ Retrieve all entry data of entry type ``entry_type_name`` and entries of subclasses of entry type ``entry_type_name``. Args: entry_type_name (str): the type name of entries that the User wants to retrieve. Yields: Iterator of raw entry data in list format. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def num_entries(self, entry_type_name: str) -> int: """ Compute the number of entries of given ``entry_type_name`` and entries of subclasses of entry type ``entry_type_name``. Args: entry_type_name (str): the type name of entries that the User wants to get its count. Returns: The number of entries of given ``entry_type_name``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_attribute(self, tid: int, attr_name: str, attr_value: Any): r"""This function locates the entry data with ``tid`` and sets its ``attr_name`` with ``attr_value``. Args: tid: Unique Id of the entry. attr_name: Name of the attribute. attr_value: Value of the attribute. """ raise NotImplementedError
@abstractmethod def _set_attr(self, tid: int, attr_id: int, attr_value: Any): r"""This function locates the entry data with ``tid`` and sets its attribute ``attr_id`` with value ``attr_value``. Called by `set_attribute()`. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. attr_id: Id of the attribute. attr_value: value of the attribute. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_attribute(self, tid: int, attr_name: str): r"""This function finds the value of ``attr_name`` in entry with ``tid``. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. attr_name: Name of the attribute. Returns: The value of ``attr_name`` for the entry with ``tid``. """ raise NotImplementedError
@abstractmethod def _get_attr(self, tid: int, attr_id: int): r"""This function locates the entry data with ``tid`` and gets the value of ``attr_id`` of this entry. Called by `get_attribute()`. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. attr_id: Id of the attribute. Returns: The value of ``attr_id`` for the entry with ``tid``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_entry(self, tid: int): r"""This function removes the entry with ``tid`` from the data store. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_entry(self, tid: int) -> Tuple[List, str]: r"""Look up the `tid_ref_dict` or `tid_idx_dict` with key ``tid``. Return the entry and its ``type_name``. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. Returns: The entry which ``tid`` corresponds to and its ``type_name``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_entry_index(self, tid: int) -> int: r"""Look up the `tid_ref_dict` or `tid_idx_dict` with key ``tid``. Return the ``index_id`` of the entry. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. Returns: Index of the entry which ``tid`` corresponds to in the ``entry_type`` list. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def get( self, type_name: str, include_sub_type: bool, range_span: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ) -> Iterator[List]: r"""This function fetches entries from the data store of type ``type_name``. Args: type_name: The index of the list in ``self.__elements``. include_sub_type: A boolean to indicate whether get its subclass. range_span: A tuple that contains the begin and end indices of the searching range of annotation-like entries. Returns: An iterator of the entries matching the provided arguments. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def next_entry(self, tid: int) -> Optional[List]: r"""Get the next entry of the same type as the ``tid`` entry. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. Returns: The next entry of the same type as the ``tid`` entry. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def prev_entry(self, tid: int) -> Optional[List]: r"""Get the previous entry of the same type as the ``tid`` entry. Args: tid: Unique id of the entry. Returns: The previous entry of the same type as the ``tid`` entry. """ raise NotImplementedError
@abstractmethod def _is_subclass( self, type_name: str, cls, no_dynamic_subclass: bool = False ) -> bool: r"""This function takes a fully qualified ``type_name`` class name, ``cls`` class and returns whether ``type_name`` class is the``cls`` subclass or not. This function accepts two types of class: the class defined in forte, or the classes in user provided ontology file. Args: type_name: A fully qualified name of an entry class. cls: An entry class. no_dynamic_subclass: A boolean value controlling where to look for subclasses. If True, this function will not check the subclass relations via `issubclass` but rely on pre-populated states only. Returns: A boolean value whether ``type_name`` class is the``cls`` subclass or not. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _is_annotation(self, type_name: str) -> bool: r"""This function takes a type_name and returns whether a type is an annotation type or not. Args: type_name: The name of type in `self.__elements`. Returns: A boolean value whether this type_name belongs to an annotation type or not. """ raise NotImplementedError