Source code for forte.common.configurable

# Copyright 2019-2021 The Forte Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from abc import ABC
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Union

import yaml

from forte.common import ProcessorConfigError
from forte.common.configuration import Config
from forte.utils import get_full_module_name

__all__ = ["Configurable"]

[docs]class Configurable(ABC): """ Classes that implement the Configurable interface enables the classes to easily manage configurations. The extended classes should implement `default_configs` to provide additional default configurations. A `make_configs` functions is provided to create the configurations. There are the following behaviors: - `default_configs`: the default configs provide the configurations structure accepted by this class. This behavior is the same as :class:`texar.torch.HParams`. If the current class extends another `Configurable` class, the ``default_configs`` of the parent class will be inherited in an recursive way. If the same configuration key is defined for a parent and child class, the one from the child class will prevail. - `make_configs`: this function accepts user configurations and create the configuration by merging the user config and the default configs. Check the docstring of `make_configs` for its behaviors. """ @classmethod def _default_configs(cls) -> Config: # pylint: disable=protected-access merged = Config(cls.default_configs(), {}, allow_new_hparam=True) for base in cls.__bases__: if hasattr(base, "_default_configs"): merged = Config( merged, base._default_configs().todict(), allow_new_hparam=True, ) break return merged @classmethod def default_configs(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {}
[docs] @classmethod def make_configs( cls, configs: Optional[Union[Config, Dict[str, Any]]], ) -> Config: """ Create the configuration by merging the provided config with the `default_configs`. The following config conventions are expected: - The top level key can be a special `@config_path`. - `@config_path` should be point to a file system path, which will be a YAML file containing configurations. - Other key values in the configs will be considered as parameters. Args: configs: The input config to be merged with the default config. Returns: The merged configuration. """ merged_configs: Dict = {} if configs is not None: if isinstance(configs, Config): configs = configs.todict() if configs.get("@config_path", None) is not None: with open(configs.pop("@config_path"), encoding="utf-8") as f: filebased_configs = yaml.safe_load(f) else: filebased_configs = {} merged_configs.update(filebased_configs) merged_configs.update(configs) try: final_configs = Config( merged_configs, cls._default_configs().todict() ) except ValueError as e: raise ProcessorConfigError( f"Configuration error for the processor " f"{get_full_module_name(cls)}." ) from e return final_configs